This subroutine sets the initial condition for a weak blast wave problem. The initial condition is given by
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(LinearEuler2D_t), | intent(inout) | :: | this | |||
real(kind=prec), | intent(in) | :: | rhoprime | |||
real(kind=prec), | intent(in) | :: | Lr | |||
real(kind=prec), | intent(in) | :: | x0 | |||
real(kind=prec), | intent(in) | :: | y0 |
subroutine SphericalSoundWave_LinearEuler2D_t(this,rhoprime,Lr,x0,y0)
!! This subroutine sets the initial condition for a weak blast wave
!! problem. The initial condition is given by
!! \begin{equation}
!! \begin{aligned}
!! \rho &= \rho_0 + \rho' \exp\left( -\ln(2) \frac{(x-x_0)^2 + (y-y_0)^2}{L_r^2} \right)
!! u &= 0 \\
!! v &= 0 \\
!! E &= \frac{P_0}{\gamma - 1} + E \exp\left( -\ln(2) \frac{(x-x_0)^2 + (y-y_0)^2}{L_e^2} \right)
!! \end{aligned}
!! \end{equation}
implicit none
class(LinearEuler2D_t),intent(inout) :: this
real(prec),intent(in) :: rhoprime,Lr,x0,y0
! Local
integer :: i,j,iEl
real(prec) :: x,y,rho,r,E
print*,__FILE__," : Configuring weak blast wave initial condition. "
print*,__FILE__," : rhoprime = ",rhoprime
print*,__FILE__," : Lr = ",Lr
print*,__FILE__," : x0 = ",x0
print*,__FILE__," : y0 = ",y0
do concurrent(i=1:this%solution%N+1,j=1:this%solution%N+1, &
x = this%geometry%x%interior(i,j,iEl,1,1)-x0
y = this%geometry%x%interior(i,j,iEl,1,2)-y0
r = sqrt(x**2+y**2)
rho = (rhoprime)*exp(-log(2.0_prec)*r**2/Lr**2)
this%solution%interior(i,j,iEl,1) = rho
this%solution%interior(i,j,iEl,2) = 0.0_prec
this%solution%interior(i,j,iEl,3) = 0.0_prec
this%solution%interior(i,j,iEl,4) = rho*this%c*this%c
call this%ReportMetrics()
call this%solution%UpdateDevice()
endsubroutine SphericalSoundWave_LinearEuler2D_t