subroutine UniformBlockMesh_Mesh1D(this,nElem,x)
implicit none
class(Mesh1D),intent(out) :: this
integer,intent(in) :: nElem
real(prec),intent(in) :: x(1:2)
! Local
integer :: iel,ngeo
integer :: nid,nNodes
integer :: i
real(prec) :: xU(1:nElem+1)
type(Lagrange),target :: linearInterp
type(Lagrange),target :: nGeoInterp
type(Scalar1D) :: xLinear
type(Scalar1D) :: xGeo
ngeo = 1
nNodes = nElem*(nGeo+1)
call this%Init(nElem,nNodes,2)
this%quadrature = GAUSS_LOBATTO
! Set the hopr_nodeCoords
xU = UniformPoints(x(1),x(2),1,nElem+1)
call linearInterp%Init(1,GAUSS_LOBATTO, &
call nGeoInterp%Init(nGeo,GAUSS_LOBATTO, &
! Create a linear interpolant to interpolate to nGeo grid
call xLinear%Init(linearInterp,1,nElem)
call xGeo%Init(nGeoInterp,1,nElem)
do iel = 1,nElem
xLinear%interior(1:2,iel,1) = xU(iel:iel+1)
call xLinear%GridInterp(xGeo%interior)
! Set the element information
nid = 1
do iel = 1,nElem
this%elemInfo(1,iel) = selfLineLinear ! Element Type
this%elemInfo(2,iel) = 1 ! Element Zone
this%elemInfo(3,iel) = nid ! Node Index Start
do i = 1,nGeo+1
this%nodeCoords(nid) = xGeo%interior(i,iel,1)
nid = nid+1
this%elemInfo(4,iel) = nid-1 ! Node Index End
call xLinear%Free()
call xGeo%Free()
call linearInterp%Free()
call nGeoInterp%Free()
endsubroutine UniformBlockMesh_Mesh1D