Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(DGModel1D_t), | intent(inout) | :: | this | |||
character, | intent(in), | optional | :: | fileName |
subroutine Write_DGModel1D_t(this,fileName)
#undef __FUNC__
#define __FUNC__ "Write_DGModel1D_t"
implicit none
class(DGModel1D_t),intent(inout) :: this
character(*),optional,intent(in) :: fileName
! Local
integer(HID_T) :: fileId
type(Scalar1D) :: solution
type(Scalar1D) :: x
type(Lagrange),target :: interp
character(LEN=self_FileNameLength) :: pickupFile
character(13) :: timeStampString
write(timeStampString,'(I13.13)') this%ioIterate
if(present(filename)) then
pickupFile = trim(filename)
pickupFile = 'solution.'//timeStampString//'.h5'
print*,__FILE__," : Writing pickup file : "//trim(pickupFile)
call this%solution%UpdateHost()
call Open_HDF5(pickupFile,H5F_ACC_TRUNC_F,fileId)
! Write the interpolant to the file
call this%solution%interp%WriteHDF5(fileId)
! In this section, we write the solution and geometry on the control (quadrature) grid
! which can be used for model pickup runs or post-processing
! Write the model state to file
call CreateGroup_HDF5(fileId,'/controlgrid')
call this%solution%WriteHDF5(fileId,'/controlgrid/solution')
! Write the geometry to file
call CreateGroup_HDF5(fileId,'/controlgrid/geometry')
call this%geometry%x%WriteHDF5(fileId,'/controlgrid/geometry/x')
! -- END : writing solution on control grid -- !
! Interpolate the solution to a grid for plotting results
! Create an interpolant for the uniform grid
call interp%Init(this%solution%interp%M, &
this%solution%interp%targetNodeType, &
this%solution%interp%N, &
call solution%Init(interp, &
call x%Init(interp,1,this%solution%nElem)
! Map the mesh positions to the target grid
call this%geometry%x%GridInterp(x%interior)
! Map the solution to the target grid
call this%solution%GridInterp(solution%interior)
! Write the model state to file
call CreateGroup_HDF5(fileId,'/targetgrid')
call solution%WriteHDF5(fileId,'/targetgrid/solution')
! Write the geometry to file
call CreateGroup_HDF5(fileId,'/targetgrid/geometry')
call x%WriteHDF5(fileId,'/targetgrid/geometry/x')
call Close_HDF5(fileId)
call x%Free()
call solution%Free()
call interp%Free()
endsubroutine Write_DGModel1D_t