Viscous Burgers Equation#
The SELF_Burgers1D_t
module defines the Burgers1D_t
class. In SELF, models are posed in the form of a generic conservation law
where \(\vec{s}\) is a vector of solution variables, \(\overleftrightarrow{f}\) is the conservative flux, and \(\vec{q}\) are non-conservative source terms.
For Burgers equation in 1-D
To track stability of the Burgers equation in 1-D, the total entropy function is
The viscous Burgers equation model is implemented as a type extension of the DGModel1D
class. The Burgers1D_t
class adds a parameter for the viscosity and overrides the SetMetadata
, entropy_func
, flux1d
, and riemannflux1d
type-bound procedures.
Riemann Solver#
The Burgers1D
class is defined using the conservative form of the conservation law. The Riemman solver for the hyperbolic part of Burgers equation is the local Lax Friedrichs upwind riemann solver
where \begin{equation} f_L = \frac{1}{2}s_L^2 \end{equation}
and \begin{equation} c_{max} = max( |s_L|, |s_R| ) \end{equation}
The parabolic part of the flux (the viscous flux) is computed using the Bassi-Rebay flux, which computes the flux using an average of the gradient values on either side of the shared edge.
The details for this implementation can be found in self_burgers1d_t.f90
Boundary conditions#
By default, the boundary conditions are periodic boundary conditions. When initializing the mesh for your Burgers equation solver, you can change the boundary conditions to SELF_BC_Radiation
to set the external state on model boundaries to 0 in the Riemann solver
type(Mesh1D),target :: mesh
! Create a mesh using the built-in
! uniform mesh generator.
! The domain is set to x in [0,1] with 10 elements
call mesh%StructuredMesh(nGeo=1, &
nElem=10, &
! Reset the boundary conditions to radiation
call mesh%ResetBoundaryConditionType(SELF_BC_RADIATION,SELF_BC_RADIATION)
If you need to explicitly set the boundary conditions as a function of position and time, you can create a type-extension of the Burgers1D
class and override the hbc1d_Prescribed
and pbc1d_Prescribed
boundary condition procedures.
To make a type extension, you can first create a module that defines your model with the the new type-bound procedures for the boundary conditions.
module my_burgers_model
use self_burgers1d
implicit none
type,extends(Burgers1D) :: myModel
procedure :: hbc1d_Prescribed => hbc1d_mymodel ! For the hyperbolic part
procedure :: pbc1d_Prescribed => pbc1d_mymodel ! For the parabolic part
end type myModel
pure function hbc1d_mymodel(this,x,t) result(exts)
!! Sets the external solution state at model boundaries
class(myModel),intent(in) :: this
real(prec),intent(in) :: x
real(prec),intent(in) :: t
real(prec) :: exts(1:this%nvar)
! Local
integer :: ivar
do ivar = 1,this%nvar
exts(ivar) = ! To do : fill in the external state
! here as a function of space and time
endfunction hbc1d_mymodel
pure function pbc1d_mymodel(this,x,t) result(extDsdx)
!! Sets the external solution state derivative at model boundaries
class(myModel),intent(in) :: this
real(prec),intent(in) :: x
real(prec),intent(in) :: t
real(prec) :: extDsdx(1:this%nvar)
! Local
integer :: ivar
do ivar = 1,this%nvar
extDsdx(ivar) = ! To do : fill in the external state
! here as a function of space and time
endfunction pbc1d_mymodel
end module my_burgers_model
In your program, you can use your new class. Your new class will inherit all of the features and other type bound procedures from the Burgers1D
class but will enforce your boundary conditions. The snippet below shows the steps required to instantiate your model
program run_my_model
use my_burgers_model
implicit none
type(mymodel) :: modelobj
type(Lagrange),target :: interp
type(Mesh1D),target :: mesh
type(Geometry1D),target :: geometry
call mesh % StructuredMesh(nElem=10, &
! Set the left and right boundary conditions to prescribed
call mesh % ResetBoundaryConditionType(SELF_BC_PRESCRIBED,SELF_BC_PRESCRIBED)
! Create a 7th degree polynomial interpolant
! with Legendre-Gauss quadrature.
! The target grid for plotting is 12 uniformly spaced
! points within each element.
call interp % Init(N=7, &
controlNodeType=GAUSS, &
M=12, &
! Generate geometry (metric terms) from the mesh elements
call geometry % Init(interp,mesh%nElem)
call geometry % GenerateFromMesh(mesh)
! Initialize the model
call modelobj % Init(nvar,mesh,geometry)
! Enable gradient calculations
! so that we can compute diffusive fluxes
modelobj % gradient_enabled = .true.
! To do : Set the initial conditions
! To do : Forward step the model
end program run_my_model
Example usage#
For examples, see any of the following
- Implements the travelling viscous shock problem