SELF_Lagrange_t Module


Derived Types

type, public :: Lagrange_t

A data structure for working with Lagrange Interpolating Polynomials in one, two, and three dimensions. The Lagrange data-structure stores the information necessary to interpolate between two sets of grid-points and to estimate the derivative of data at native grid points. Routines for multidimensional interpolation are based on the tensor product of 1-D interpolants. It is assumed that the polynomial degree (and the interpolation nodes) are the same in each direction. This assumption permits the storage of only one array of interpolation nodes and barycentric weights and is what allows this data structure to be flexible.


integer, public :: M

The number of target points.

integer, public :: N

The number of control points.

real(kind=prec), public, pointer, contiguous, dimension(:,:):: bMatrix

The boundary interpolation matrix that is used to map a grid of nodal values at the control points to the element boundaries.

real(kind=prec), public, pointer, contiguous, dimension(:):: bWeights

The barycentric weights that are calculated from the controlPoints and used for interpolation.

type(c_ptr), public :: blas_handle =c_null_ptr

A handle for working with hipblas

integer, public :: controlNodeType
real(kind=prec), public, pointer, contiguous, dimension(:):: controlPoints

The set of nodes in one dimension where data is known. To create higher dimension interpolation and differentiation operators, structured grids in two and three dimensions are created by tensor products of the controlPoints. This design decision implies that all spectral element methods supported by the Lagrange class have the same polynomial degree in each computational/spatial dimension. In practice, the controlPoints are the Legendre-Gauss, Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto, Legendre-Gauss-Radau, Chebyshev-Gauss, Chebyshev-Gauss-Lobatto, or Chebyshev-Gauss-Radau quadrature points over the domain [-1,1] (computational space). The Init routine for this class restricts controlPoints to one of these quadrature types or uniform points on [-1,1].

real(kind=prec), public, pointer, contiguous, dimension(:,:):: dMatrix

The derivative matrix for mapping function nodal values to a nodal values of the derivative estimate. The dMatrix is based on a strong form of the derivative.

real(kind=prec), public, pointer, contiguous, dimension(:,:):: dgMatrix

The derivative matrix for mapping function nodal values to a nodal values of the derivative estimate. The dgMatrix is based on a weak form of the derivative. It must be used with bMatrix to account for boundary contributions in the weak form.

real(kind=prec), public, pointer, contiguous, dimension(:,:):: iMatrix

The interpolation matrix (transpose) for mapping data from the control grid to the target grid.

real(kind=prec), public, pointer, contiguous, dimension(:):: qWeights

The quadrature weights for discrete integration. The quadradture weights depend on the type of controlPoints provided; one of Legendre-Gauss, Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto, Legendre-Gauss-Radau, Chebyshev-Gauss, Chebyshev-Gauss-Lobatto, Chebyshev-Gauss Radau, or Uniform. If Uniform, the quadrature weights are constant .

integer, public :: targetNodeType
real(kind=prec), public, pointer, contiguous, dimension(:):: targetPoints

The set of nodes in one dimension where data is to be interpolated to. To create higher dimension interpolation and differentiation operators, structured grids in two and three dimensions are created by tensor products of the targetPoints. In practice, the targetPoints are set to a uniformly distributed set of points between [-1,1] (computational space) to allow for interpolation from unevenly spaced quadrature points to a plotting grid.

Type-Bound Procedures

procedure, public :: CalculateBarycentricWeights
procedure, public :: CalculateDerivativeMatrix
procedure, public :: CalculateInterpolationMatrix
procedure, public :: CalculateLagrangePolynomials
procedure, public :: Free => Free_Lagrange_t
procedure, public :: Init => Init_Lagrange_t
procedure, public :: WriteHDF5 => WriteHDF5_Lagrange_t


public function CalculateLagrangePolynomials(this, sE) result(lAtS)


class(Lagrange_t) :: this
real(kind=prec) :: sE

Return Value real(kind=prec)(0:this%N)


public subroutine CalculateBarycentricWeights(this)


class(Lagrange_t), intent(inout) :: this

public subroutine CalculateDerivativeMatrix(this)


class(Lagrange_t), intent(inout) :: this

public subroutine CalculateInterpolationMatrix(this)


class(Lagrange_t), intent(inout) :: this

public subroutine Free_Lagrange_t(this)

Frees all memory (host and device) associated with an instance of the Lagrange_t class


class(Lagrange_t), intent(inout) :: this

Lagrange_t class instance

public subroutine Init_Lagrange_t(this, N, controlNodeType, M, targetNodeType)

Initialize an instance of the Lagrange_t class On output, all of the attributes for the Lagrange_t class are allocated and values are initialized according to the number of control points, number of target points, and the types for the control and target nodes. If a GPU is available, device pointers for the Lagrange_t attributes are allocated and initialized.


class(Lagrange_t), intent(out) :: this

Lagrange_t class instance

integer, intent(in) :: N

The number of control points for interpolant

integer, intent(in) :: controlNodeType

The integer code specifying the type of control points. Parameters are defined in SELF_Constants.f90. One of GAUSS(=1), GAUSS_LOBATTO(=2), or UNIFORM(=3)

integer, intent(in) :: M

The number of target points for the interpolant

integer, intent(in) :: targetNodeType

The integer code specifying the type of target points. Parameters are defined in SELF_Constants.f90. One of GAUSS(=1), GAUSS_LOBATTO(=2), or UNIFORM(=3)

public subroutine WriteHDF5_Lagrange_t(this, fileId)


class(Lagrange_t), intent(in) :: this
integer(kind=HID_T), intent(in) :: fileId