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THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS “AS IS” AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ! LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ! HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ! LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ! THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ! THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ! ! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! module SELF_Lagrange_t use iso_fortran_env use iso_c_binding use SELF_Constants use SELF_SupportRoutines use SELF_Quadrature use SELF_HDF5 use HDF5 use iso_c_binding implicit none type,public :: Lagrange_t !! A data structure for working with Lagrange Interpolating Polynomials in one, two, and three dimensions. !! The Lagrange data-structure stores the information necessary to interpolate between two !! sets of grid-points and to estimate the derivative of data at native grid points. Routines for !! multidimensional interpolation are based on the tensor product of 1-D interpolants. It is !! assumed that the polynomial degree (and the interpolation nodes) are the same in each direction. !! This assumption permits the storage of only one array of interpolation nodes and barycentric !! weights and is what allows this data structure to be flexible. integer :: N !! The number of control points. integer :: controlNodeType integer :: M !! The number of target points. integer :: targetNodeType type(c_ptr) :: blas_handle = c_null_ptr !! A handle for working with hipblas real(prec),pointer,contiguous,dimension(:) :: controlPoints !! The set of nodes in one dimension where data is known. !! To create higher dimension interpolation and differentiation operators, structured grids in two and three !! dimensions are created by tensor products of the controlPoints. This design decision implies that all !! spectral element methods supported by the Lagrange class have the same polynomial degree in each !! computational/spatial dimension. In practice, the controlPoints are the Legendre-Gauss, Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto, !! Legendre-Gauss-Radau, Chebyshev-Gauss, Chebyshev-Gauss-Lobatto, or Chebyshev-Gauss-Radau quadrature points over !! the domain [-1,1] (computational space). The Init routine for this class restricts controlPoints to one of !! these quadrature types or uniform points on [-1,1]. real(prec),pointer,contiguous,dimension(:) :: targetPoints !! The set of nodes in one dimension where data is to be interpolated to. To create higher dimension interpolation !! and differentiation operators, structured grids in two and three dimensions are created by tensor products of !! the targetPoints. In practice, the targetPoints are set to a uniformly distributed set of points between [-1,1] !! (computational space) to allow for interpolation from unevenly spaced quadrature points to a plotting grid. real(prec),pointer,contiguous,dimension(:) :: bWeights !! The barycentric weights that are calculated from the controlPoints and used for interpolation. real(prec),pointer,contiguous,dimension(:) :: qWeights !! The quadrature weights for discrete integration. The quadradture weights depend on the type of controlPoints !! provided; one of Legendre-Gauss, Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto, Legendre-Gauss-Radau, Chebyshev-Gauss, !! Chebyshev-Gauss-Lobatto, Chebyshev-Gauss Radau, or Uniform. If Uniform, the quadrature weights are constant !! $$dx = \frac{2.0}{N+1}$$. real(prec),pointer,contiguous,dimension(:,:) :: iMatrix !! The interpolation matrix (transpose) for mapping data from the control grid to the target grid. real(prec),pointer,contiguous,dimension(:,:) :: dMatrix !! The derivative matrix for mapping function nodal values to a nodal values of the derivative estimate. The !! dMatrix is based on a strong form of the derivative. real(prec),pointer,contiguous,dimension(:,:) :: dgMatrix !! The derivative matrix for mapping function nodal values to a nodal values of the derivative estimate. The dgMatrix is based !! on a weak form of the derivative. It must be used with bMatrix to account for boundary contributions in the weak form. real(prec),pointer,contiguous,dimension(:,:) :: bMatrix !! The boundary interpolation matrix that is used to map a grid of nodal values at the control points to the element boundaries. contains procedure,public :: Init => Init_Lagrange_t procedure,public :: Free => Free_Lagrange_t procedure,public :: WriteHDF5 => WriteHDF5_Lagrange_t procedure,public :: CalculateBarycentricWeights procedure,public :: CalculateInterpolationMatrix procedure,public :: CalculateDerivativeMatrix procedure,public :: CalculateLagrangePolynomials endtype Lagrange_t contains subroutine Init_Lagrange_t(this,N,controlNodeType,M,targetNodeType) !! Initialize an instance of the Lagrange_t class !! On output, all of the attributes for the Lagrange_t class are allocated and values are initialized according to the number of !! control points, number of target points, and the types for the control and target nodes. !! If a GPU is available, device pointers for the Lagrange_t attributes are allocated and initialized. implicit none class(Lagrange_t),intent(out) :: this !! Lagrange_t class instance integer,intent(in) :: N !! The number of control points for interpolant integer,intent(in) :: M !! The number of target points for the interpolant integer,intent(in) :: controlNodeType !! The integer code specifying the type of control points. Parameters are defined in SELF_Constants.f90. One of GAUSS(=1), !! GAUSS_LOBATTO(=2), or UNIFORM(=3) integer,intent(in) :: targetNodeType !! The integer code specifying the type of target points. Parameters are defined in SELF_Constants.f90. One of GAUSS(=1), !! GAUSS_LOBATTO(=2), or UNIFORM(=3) ! -------! ! Local real(prec) :: q(0:M) this%N = N this%M = M this%controlNodeType = controlNodeType this%targetNodeType = targetNodeType allocate(this%controlPoints(1:N+1), & this%targetPoints(1:M+1), & this%bWeights(1:N+1), & this%qWeights(1:N+1), & this%iMatrix(1:N+1,1:M+1), & this%dMatrix(1:N+1,1:N+1), & this%dgMatrix(1:N+1,1:N+1), & this%bMatrix(1:N+1,1:2)) if(controlNodeType == GAUSS .or. controlNodeType == GAUSS_LOBATTO) then call LegendreQuadrature(N, & this%controlPoints, & this%qWeights, & controlNodeType) elseif(controlNodeType == CHEBYSHEV_GAUSS .or. controlNodeType == CHEBYSHEV_GAUSS_LOBATTO) then call ChebyshevQuadrature(N, & this%controlPoints, & this%qWeights, & controlNodeType) elseif(controlNodeType == UNIFORM) then this%controlPoints = UniformPoints(-1.0_prec,1.0_prec,0,N) this%qWeights = 2.0_prec/real(N,prec) endif ! Target Points if(targetNodeType == GAUSS .or. targetNodeType == GAUSS_LOBATTO) then call LegendreQuadrature(M, & this%targetPoints, & q, & targetNodeType) elseif(targetNodeType == UNIFORM) then this%targetPoints = UniformPoints(-1.0_prec,1.0_prec,0,M) endif call this%CalculateBarycentricWeights() call this%CalculateInterpolationMatrix() call this%CalculateDerivativeMatrix() this%bMatrix(1:N+1,1) = this%CalculateLagrangePolynomials(-1.0_prec) this%bMatrix(1:N+1,2) = this%CalculateLagrangePolynomials(1.0_prec) endsubroutine Init_Lagrange_t subroutine Free_Lagrange_t(this) !! Frees all memory (host and device) associated with an instance of the Lagrange_t class implicit none class(Lagrange_t),intent(inout) :: this !! Lagrange_t class instance deallocate(this%controlPoints) deallocate(this%targetPoints) deallocate(this%bWeights) deallocate(this%qWeights) deallocate(this%iMatrix) deallocate(this%dMatrix) deallocate(this%dgMatrix) deallocate(this%bMatrix) endsubroutine Free_Lagrange_t ! ================================================================================================ ! ! ! CalculateBarycentricWeights (PRIVATE) ! ! A PRIVATE routine that calculates and stores the barycentric weights for the Lagrange_t ! data-structure. ! ! This routine is from Alg. 30 on pg. 75 of D.A. Kopriva, 2009. ! ! ================================================================================================ ! subroutine CalculateBarycentricWeights(this) implicit none class(Lagrange_t),intent(inout) :: this ! Local integer :: i,j real(real64) :: bWeights(0:this%N) real(real64) :: controlPoints(0:this%N) do i = 0,this%N bWeights(i) = 1.0_real64 controlPoints(i) = real(this%controlPoints(i+1),real64) enddo ! Computes the product w_k = w_k*(s_k - s_j), k /= j do j = 1,this%N do i = 0,j-1 bWeights(i) = bWeights(i)*(controlPoints(i)-controlPoints(j)) bWeights(j) = bWeights(j)*(controlPoints(j)-controlPoints(i)) enddo enddo do j = 0,this%N bWeights(j) = 1.0_prec/bWeights(j) this%bWeights(j+1) = real(bWeights(j),prec) enddo endsubroutine CalculateBarycentricWeights ! ================================================================================================ ! ! ! CalculateInterpolationMatrix (PRIVATE) ! ! A PRIVATE routine that fills in the interpolation matrix for the Lagrange_t data structure. ! ! This function is from Alg. 32 on pg. 76 of D.A. Kopriva, 2009. ! ! ================================================================================================ ! subroutine CalculateInterpolationMatrix(this) implicit none class(Lagrange_t),intent(inout) :: this ! Local integer :: row,col logical :: rowHasMatch real(real64) :: temp1,temp2 real(real64) :: iMatrix(0:this%M,0:this%N) real(real64) :: bWeights(0:this%N) real(real64) :: controlPoints(0:this%N) real(real64) :: targetPoints(0:this%M) do col = 0,this%N controlPoints(col) = real(this%controlPoints(col+1),real64) bWeights(col) = real(this%bWeights(col+1),real64) enddo do row = 0,this%M targetPoints(row) = real(this%targetPoints(row+1),real64) enddo do row = 0,this%M rowHasMatch = .false. do col = 0,this%N iMatrix(row,col) = 0.0_real64 if(AlmostEqual(targetPoints(row),controlPoints(col))) then rowHasMatch = .true. iMatrix(row,col) = 1.0_real64 endif enddo if(.not.(rowHasMatch)) then temp1 = 0.0_real64 do col = 0,this%N temp2 = bWeights(col)/ & (targetPoints(row)- & controlPoints(col)) iMatrix(row,col) = temp2 temp1 = temp1+temp2 enddo do col = 0,this%N iMatrix(row,col) = iMatrix(row,col)/temp1 enddo endif enddo do row = 0,this%M do col = 0,this%N this%iMatrix(col+1,row+1) = real(iMatrix(row,col),prec) enddo enddo endsubroutine CalculateInterpolationMatrix ! ================================================================================================ ! ! ! CalculateDerivativeMatrix (PRIVATE) ! ! Calculates and stores the derivative matrix and its transpose. ! Generates a matrix that can be used to approximate derivatives at the interpolation nodes. ! ! This function is from Alg. 37 on pg. 82 of D.A. Kopriva, 2009. ! ! ================================================================================================ ! subroutine CalculateDerivativeMatrix(this) implicit none class(Lagrange_t),intent(inout) :: this ! Local integer :: row,col real(real64) :: dmat(0:this%N,0:this%N) real(real64) :: dgmat(0:this%N,0:this%N) real(real64) :: bWeights(0:this%N) real(real64) :: qWeights(0:this%N) real(real64) :: controlPoints(0:this%N) do row = 0,this%N bWeights(row) = real(this%bWeights(row+1),real64) qWeights(row) = real(this%qWeights(row+1),real64) controlPoints(row) = real(this%controlPoints(row+1),real64) enddo do row = 0,this%N dmat(row,row) = 0.0_prec do col = 0,this%N if(.not.(col == row)) then dmat(row,col) = bWeights(col)/ & (bWeights(row)* & (controlPoints(row)- & controlPoints(col))) dmat(row,row) = dmat(row,row)-dmat(row,col) endif enddo enddo do row = 0,this%N do col = 0,this%N dgmat(row,col) = -dmat(col,row)* & qWeights(col)/ & qWeights(row) enddo enddo do row = 0,this%N do col = 0,this%N this%dMatrix(row+1,col+1) = real(dmat(col,row),prec) this%dgMatrix(row+1,col+1) = real(dgmat(col,row),prec) enddo enddo endsubroutine CalculateDerivativeMatrix ! ================================================================================================ ! ! ! CalculateLagrangePolynomials ! ! Evaluates each of the 1-D Lagrange interpolating polynomials at a specified point. ! ! This function is from Alg. 34 on pg. 77 of D.A. Kopriva, 2009. ! ! ================================================================================================ ! function CalculateLagrangePolynomials(this,sE) result(lAtS) implicit none class(Lagrange_t) :: this real(prec) :: sE real(prec) :: lAtS(0:this%N) ! Local integer :: j logical :: xMatchesNode real(real64) :: temp1,temp2 real(real64) :: sELocal real(real64) :: controlPoints(0:this%N) real(real64) :: bWeights(0:this%N) real(real64) :: lS(0:this%N) sELocal = real(sE,real64) do j = 0,this%N controlPoints(j) = real(this%controlPoints(j+1),real64) bWeights(j) = real(this%bWeights(j+1),real64) enddo xMatchesNode = .false. do j = 0,this%N lS(j) = 0.0_real64 if(AlmostEqual(sELocal,controlPoints(j))) then lS(j) = 1.0_real64 xMatchesNode = .true. endif enddo if(xMatchesNode) then do j = 0,this%N lAtS(j) = real(lS(j),prec) enddo return endif temp1 = 0.0_real64 do j = 0,this%N temp2 = bWeights(j)/(sE-controlPoints(j)) lS(j) = temp2 temp1 = temp1+temp2 enddo lS = lS/temp1 do j = 0,this%N lAtS(j) = real(lS(j),prec) enddo endfunction CalculateLagrangePolynomials subroutine WriteHDF5_Lagrange_t(this,fileId) implicit none class(Lagrange_t),intent(in) :: this integer(HID_T),intent(in) :: fileId call CreateGroup_HDF5(fileId,'/interp') call WriteArray_HDF5(fileId,'/interp/controlpoints', & this%controlPoints) call WriteArray_HDF5(fileId,'/interp/qweights', & this%qWeights) call WriteArray_HDF5(fileId,'/interp/dgmatrix', & this%dgMatrix) call WriteArray_HDF5(fileId,'/interp/dmatrix', & this%dMatrix) call WriteArray_HDF5(fileId,'/interp/bmatrix', & this%bMatrix) call WriteArray_HDF5(fileId,'/interp/imatrix', & this%iMatrix) endsubroutine WriteHDF5_Lagrange_t endmodule SELF_Lagrange_t