! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! ! ! Maintainers : support@fluidnumerics.com ! Official Repository : https://github.com/FluidNumerics/self/ ! ! Copyright © 2024 Fluid Numerics LLC ! ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ! ! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ! ! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ! the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ! ! 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from ! this software without specific prior written permission. ! ! THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS “AS IS” AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ! LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ! HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ! LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ! THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ! THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ! ! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! module self_LinearShallowWater2D_t use self_model use self_dgmodel2d use self_mesh implicit none type,extends(dgmodel2d) :: LinearShallowWater2D_t real(prec) :: H = 0.0_prec ! uniform resting depth real(prec) :: g = 0.0_prec ! acceleration due to gravity real(prec) :: Cd = 0.0_prec ! Linear drag coefficient (1/s) type(MappedScalar2D) :: fCori ! The coriolis parameter contains procedure :: AdditionalInit => AdditionalInit_LinearShallowWater2D_t procedure :: AdditionalFree => AdditionalFree_LinearShallowWater2D_t procedure :: SetNumberOfVariables => SetNumberOfVariables_LinearShallowWater2D_t procedure :: SetMetadata => SetMetadata_LinearShallowWater2D_t procedure :: entropy_func => entropy_func_LinearShallowWater2D_t procedure :: flux2d => flux2d_LinearShallowWater2D_t procedure :: riemannflux2d => riemannflux2d_LinearShallowWater2D_t procedure :: hbc2d_NoNormalFlow => hbc2d_NoNormalFlow_LinearShallowWater2D_t procedure :: sourcemethod => sourcemethod_LinearShallowWater2D_t ! Custom methods generic,public :: SetCoriolis => SetCoriolis_fplane_LinearShallowWater2D_t, & SetCoriolis_betaplane_LinearShallowWater2D_t procedure,private :: SetCoriolis_fplane_LinearShallowWater2D_t procedure,private :: SetCoriolis_betaplane_LinearShallowWater2D_t procedure,public :: DiagnoseGeostrophicVelocity => DiagnoseGeostrophicVelocity_LinearShallowWater2D_t endtype LinearShallowWater2D_t contains subroutine AdditionalInit_LinearShallowWater2D_t(this) implicit none class(LinearShallowWater2D_t),intent(inout) :: this call this%fCori%Init(this%geometry%x%interp, & 1,this%mesh%nElem) endsubroutine AdditionalInit_LinearShallowWater2D_t subroutine AdditionalFree_LinearShallowWater2D_t(this) implicit none class(LinearShallowWater2D_t),intent(inout) :: this call this%fCori%Free() endsubroutine AdditionalFree_LinearShallowWater2D_t subroutine SetNumberOfVariables_LinearShallowWater2D_t(this) implicit none class(LinearShallowWater2D_t),intent(inout) :: this this%nvar = 3 endsubroutine SetNumberOfVariables_LinearShallowWater2D_t subroutine SetCoriolis_fplane_LinearShallowWater2D_t(this,f0) implicit none class(LinearShallowWater2D_t),intent(inout) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: f0 ! Local integer :: iel integer :: i integer :: j do concurrent(i=1:this%solution%N+1,j=1:this%solution%N+1, & iel=1:this%mesh%nElem) this%fCori%interior(i,j,iel,1) = f0 enddo call this%fCori%UpdateDevice() endsubroutine SetCoriolis_fplane_LinearShallowWater2D_t subroutine SetCoriolis_betaplane_LinearShallowWater2D_t(this,f0,beta) implicit none class(LinearShallowWater2D_t),intent(inout) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: f0 real(prec),intent(in) :: beta ! Local integer :: iel integer :: i integer :: j real(prec) :: y do concurrent(i=1:this%solution%N+1,j=1:this%solution%N+1, & iel=1:this%mesh%nElem) y = this%geometry%x%interior(i,j,iel,1,2) this%fCori%interior(i,j,iel,1) = f0+beta*y enddo call this%fCori%UpdateDevice() endsubroutine SetCoriolis_betaplane_LinearShallowWater2D_t subroutine DiagnoseGeostrophicVelocity_LinearShallowWater2D_t(this) implicit none class(LinearShallowWater2D_t),intent(inout) :: this ! Local integer :: iel integer :: i integer :: j real(prec) :: dpdx,dpdy,f ! We assume here that the velocity field is identically zero ! everywhere and the only field that is set is the free surface height ! with a non-zero coriolis parameter. ! In this case, we have that the tendency calculation will give ! the gradient in the free surface, consistent with the DG approximation this%solution%interior(:,:,:,1) = 0.0_prec ! Set u=0 this%solution%interior(:,:,:,2) = 0.0_prec ! Set v=0 call this%solution%UpdateDevice() call this%CalculateTendency() call this%dSdt%UpdateHost() do concurrent(i=1:this%solution%N+1,j=1:this%solution%N+1, & iel=1:this%mesh%nElem) dpdx = -this%dSdt%interior(i,j,iel,1) dpdy = -this%dSdt%interior(i,j,iel,2) f = this%fCori%interior(i,j,iel,1) this%solution%interior(i,j,iel,1) = -dpdy/f ! u this%solution%interior(i,j,iel,2) = dpdx/f ! v enddo call this%solution%UpdateDevice() endsubroutine DiagnoseGeostrophicVelocity_LinearShallowWater2D_t subroutine SetMetadata_LinearShallowWater2D_t(this) implicit none class(LinearShallowWater2D_t),intent(inout) :: this call this%solution%SetName(1,"u") call this%solution%SetUnits(1,"m/s") call this%solution%SetName(2,"v") call this%solution%SetUnits(2,"m/s") call this%solution%SetName(3,"eta") call this%solution%SetUnits(3,"m") call this%fCori%SetName(1,"f") call this%fCori%SetUnits(1,"1/s") endsubroutine SetMetadata_LinearShallowWater2D_t pure function entropy_func_LinearShallowWater2D_t(this,s) result(e) class(LinearShallowWater2D_t),intent(in) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: s(1:this%solution%nvar) real(prec) :: e e = 0.5_prec*(this%H*s(1)*s(1)+ & this%H*s(2)*s(2)+ & this%g*s(3)*s(3)) endfunction entropy_func_LinearShallowWater2D_t pure function flux2d_LinearShallowWater2D_t(this,s,dsdx) result(flux) class(LinearShallowWater2D_t),intent(in) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: s(1:this%solution%nvar) real(prec),intent(in) :: dsdx(1:this%solution%nvar,1:2) real(prec) :: flux(1:this%solution%nvar,1:2) flux(1,1) = this%g*s(3) flux(1,2) = 0.0_prec flux(2,1) = 0.0_prec flux(2,2) = this%g*s(3) flux(3,1) = this%H*s(1) flux(3,2) = this%H*s(2) endfunction flux2d_LinearShallowWater2D_t pure function riemannflux2d_LinearShallowWater2D_t(this,sL,sR,dsdx,nhat) result(flux) class(LinearShallowWater2D_t),intent(in) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: sL(1:this%solution%nVar) real(prec),intent(in) :: sR(1:this%solution%nVar) real(prec),intent(in) :: dsdx(1:this%solution%nVar,1:2) real(prec),intent(in) :: nhat(1:2) real(prec) :: flux(1:this%solution%nVar) ! Local real(prec) :: c real(prec) :: unL real(prec) :: unR c = sqrt(this%g*this%H) unL = sL(1)*nhat(1)+sL(2)*nhat(2) unR = sR(1)*nhat(1)+sR(2)*nhat(2) flux(1) = 0.5_prec*(this%g*(sL(3)+sR(3))+c*(unL-unR))*nhat(1) flux(2) = 0.5_prec*(this%g*(sL(3)+sR(3))+c*(unL-unR))*nhat(2) flux(3) = 0.5_prec*(this%H*(unL+unR)+c*(sL(3)-sR(3))) endfunction riemannflux2d_LinearShallowWater2D_t pure function hbc2d_NoNormalFlow_LinearShallowWater2D_t(this,s,nhat) result(exts) class(LinearShallowWater2D_t),intent(in) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: s(1:this%nvar) real(prec),intent(in) :: nhat(1:2) real(prec) :: exts(1:this%nvar) ! Local integer :: ivar exts(1) = (nhat(2)**2-nhat(1)**2)*s(1)-2.0_prec*nhat(1)*nhat(2)*s(2) ! u exts(2) = (nhat(1)**2-nhat(2)**2)*s(2)-2.0_prec*nhat(1)*nhat(2)*s(1) ! v exts(3) = s(3) ! eta endfunction hbc2d_NoNormalFlow_LinearShallowWater2D_t subroutine sourcemethod_LinearShallowWater2D_t(this) implicit none class(LinearShallowWater2D_t),intent(inout) :: this ! Local integer :: iel integer :: i integer :: j real(prec) :: s(1:this%nvar) do concurrent(i=1:this%solution%N+1,j=1:this%solution%N+1, & iel=1:this%mesh%nElem) s = this%solution%interior(i,j,iel,1:this%nvar) this%source%interior(i,j,iel,1) = this%fCori%interior(i,j,iel,1)*s(2)-this%Cd*s(1) ! du/dt = f*v - Cd*u this%source%interior(i,j,iel,2) = -this%fCori%interior(i,j,iel,1)*s(1)-this%Cd*s(2) ! dv/dt = -f*u - Cd*v enddo endsubroutine sourcemethod_LinearShallowWater2D_t endmodule self_LinearShallowWater2D_t