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THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS “AS IS” AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ! LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ! HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ! LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ! THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ! THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ! ! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! !> \file SELF_SupportRoutines.f90 !! Contains the \ref SELF_SupportRoutines module !> \defgroup SELF_SupportRoutines SELF_SupportRoutines !! This module defines a set of general purpose routines. module SELF_SupportRoutines use iso_fortran_env use SELF_Constants implicit none interface AlmostEqual module procedure AlmostEqual_r64 endinterface AlmostEqual real(prec),private,parameter :: tolerance = 10.0**(-10) contains !> \addtogroup SELF_SupportRoutines !! @{ ! ================================================================================================ ! ! Function AlmostEqual ! !> \fn AlmostEqual !! Compares two floating point numbers and determines if they are equal (to machine precision). !! !! This function is from Alg. 139 on pg. 359 of D.A. Kopriva, 2009, "Implementing Spectral Element !! Methods for Scientists and Engineers" !! !! <H2> Usage : </H2> !! <B>Logical</B> :: AisB <BR> !! <B>REAL</B>(prec) :: a, b <BR> !! .... <BR> !! AisB = AlmostEqual( a, b ) <BR> !! !! <H2> Parameters : </H2> !! <table> !! <tr> <td> in <th> a <td> REAL(prec) <td> scalar !! <tr> <td> in <th> b <td> REAL(prec) <td> scalar !! <tr> <td> in <th> AisB <td> Logical <td> !! <B>.TRUE.</B> IF a=b to machine precision <BR> !! <B>.FALSE.</B> otherwise !! </table> !! ! ================================================================================================ ! !>@} function AlmostEqual_r64(a,b) result(AisB) implicit none real(real64) :: a,b logical :: AisB if(a == 0.0_real64 .or. b == 0.0_real64) then if(abs(a-b) <= epsilon(1.0_real64)) then AisB = .true. else AisB = .false. endif else if((abs(a-b) <= epsilon(1.0_real64)*abs(a)) .or. (abs(a-b) <= epsilon(1.0_real64)*abs(b))) then AisB = .true. else AisB = .false. endif endif endfunction AlmostEqual_r64 !> \addtogroup SELF_SupportRoutines !! @{ ! ================================================================================================ ! ! S/R ForwardShift ! !> \fn ForwardShift !! Shift an array integers by one index forward, moving the last index to the first. !! !! Shifts the array entries as follows : <BR> !! myArray(1) <-- myArray(N) <BR> !! myArray(2) <-- myArray(1) <BR> !! myArray(3) <-- myArray(2) <BR> !! !! <H2> Usage : </H2> !! <B>INTEGER</B> :: N !! <B>INTEGER</B> :: myArray(1:N) <BR> !! .... <BR> !! <B>CALL</B> ForwardShift( myArray, N ) <BR> !! !! <H2> Parameters : </H2> !! <table> !! <tr> <td> in/out <th> myArray(1:N) <td> INTEGER <td> !! On <B>output</B>, the input array with elements shifted forward by !! one index. !! <tr> <td> in <th> N <td> INTEGER <td> !! The number of elements in the array !! </table> !! ! ================================================================================================ ! !>@} subroutine ForwardShift(myArray,N) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: N integer,intent(inout) :: myArray(1:N) ! LOCAL integer :: temp(1:N) temp = myArray myArray(1) = temp(N) myArray(2:N) = temp(1:N-1) endsubroutine ForwardShift ! !> \addtogroup SELF_SupportRoutines !! @{ ! ================================================================================================ ! ! S/R CompareArray ! !> \fn CompareArray !! Compares to INTEGER arrays and determines if they are identical. !! !! A logical is returned that specifies whether or not two arrays are identical. To determine !! if the two arrays are identical, the sum of the difference between each element in the input !! array is calculated. If the arrays are identical, each contribution to the sum is zero and hence !! the sum is zero. If the sum is non-zero, the arrays are distinct. !! !! This routine is used in the \ref HexMeshClass module. A face of an element in an unstructured !! mesh is identified by its four corner nodes. When identifying unique faces in an unstructured !! mesh, we need to determine if two elements share a face. This can be accomplished by comparing !! the four corner nodes (from each element) that define each face. !! !! <H2> Usage : </H2> !! <B>INTEGER</B> :: N <BR> !! <B>INTEGER</B> :: arrayOne(1:N) <BR> !! <B>INTEGER</B> :: arrayTwo(1:N) <BR> !! <B>LOGICAL</B> :: arraysMatch <BR> !! .... <BR> !! arraysMatch = CompareArray( arrayOne, arrayTwo, N ) <BR> !! <H2> Parameters : </H2> !! <table> !! <tr> <td> in <th> arrayOne(1:N) <td> INTEGER <td> !! <tr> <td> in <th> arrayTwo(1:N) <td> INTEGER <td> !! <tr> <td> in <th> N <td> INTEGER <td> !! <tr> <td> out <th> arraysMatch <td> INTEGER <td> !! !! </table> !! ! ================================================================================================ ! !>@} function CompareArray(arrayOne,arrayTwo,N) result(arraysMatch) implicit none integer :: N integer :: arrayOne(1:N),arrayTwo(1:N) logical :: arraysMatch ! LOCAL integer :: i,theSumOfDiffs theSumOfDiffs = 0 do i = 1,N theSumOfDiffs = theSumOfDiffs+abs(arrayOne(i)-arrayTwo(i)) enddo if(theSumOfDiffs == 0) then arraysMatch = .true. else arraysMatch = .false. endif endfunction CompareArray ! !> \addtogroup SELF_SupportRoutines !! @{ ! ================================================================================================ ! ! S/R UniformPoints ! !> \fn UniformPoints !! Generates a REAL(prec) array of N points evenly spaced between two points. !! !! !! <H2> Usage : </H2> !! <B>REAL</B>(prec) :: a <BR> !! <B>REAL</B>(prec) :: b <BR> !! <B>REAL</B>(prec) :: xU(0:N) <BR> !! <B>INTEGER</B> :: N <BR> !! .... <BR> !! xU = UniformPoints( a, b, N ) <BR> !! !! <H2> Parameters : </H2> !! <table> !! <tr> <td> in <th> a <td> REAL(prec) <td> Starting point of the interval !! <tr> <td> in <th> b <td> REAL(prec) <td> Ending point of the interval !! <tr> <td> in <th> N <td> INTEGER <td> The number of points in the interval \f$[a,b]\f$ !! <tr> <td> in <th> xU(0:N) <td> REAL(prec) <td> !! Array of evenly spaced points in the interval \f$[a,b]\f$ !! </table> !! ! ================================================================================================ ! !>@} function UniformPoints(a,b,firstInd,lastInd) result(xU) implicit none real(prec) :: a,b integer :: firstInd,lastInd real(prec) :: xU(firstInd:lastInd) ! LOCAL real(prec) :: dx integer :: i dx = (b-a)/real((lastInd-firstInd),prec) do i = firstInd,lastInd xU(i) = a+dx*real(i-firstInd,prec) enddo endfunction UniformPoints integer function newunit(unit) ! https://fortranwiki.org/fortran/show/newunit integer,intent(out),optional :: unit ! local integer,parameter :: LUN_MIN = 10,LUN_MAX = 1000 logical :: opened integer :: lun ! begin newunit = -1 do lun = LUN_MIN,LUN_MAX inquire(unit=lun,opened=opened) if(.not. opened) then newunit = lun exit endif enddo if(present(unit)) unit = newunit endfunction newunit function UpperCase(str) result(upper) implicit none character(*),intent(In) :: str character(len(str)) :: Upper integer :: ic,i character(27),parameter :: cap = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ' character(27),parameter :: low = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ' do i = 1,len(str) ic = index(low,str(i:i)) if(ic > 0) then Upper(i:i) = cap(ic:ic) else Upper(i:i) = str(i:i) endif enddo endfunction UpperCase endmodule SELF_SupportRoutines