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THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS “AS IS” AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ! LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ! HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ! LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ! THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ! THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ! ! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! module SELF_MappedVector_3D_t use SELF_Constants use SELF_Lagrange use SELF_Mesh_3D use SELF_Geometry_3D use SELF_DomainDecomposition use FEQParse use iso_c_binding implicit none type,extends(Vector3D),public :: MappedVector3D_t logical :: geometry_associated = .false. type(SEMHex),pointer :: geometry => null() contains procedure,public :: AssociateGeometry => AssociateGeometry_MappedVector3D_t procedure,public :: DissociateGeometry => DissociateGeometry_MappedVector3D_t procedure,public :: SideExchange => SideExchange_MappedVector3D_t generic,public :: MappedDivergence => MappedDivergence_MappedVector3D_t procedure,private :: MappedDivergence_MappedVector3D_t generic,public :: MappedDGDivergence => MappedDGDivergence_MappedVector3D_t procedure,private :: MappedDGDivergence_MappedVector3D_t procedure,private :: MPIExchangeAsync => MPIExchangeAsync_MappedVector3D_t procedure,private :: ApplyFlip => ApplyFlip_MappedVector3D_t procedure,public :: SetInteriorFromEquation => SetInteriorFromEquation_MappedVector3D_t !procedure,public :: WriteTecplot => WriteTecplot_MappedVector3D_t endtype MappedVector3D_t contains subroutine AssociateGeometry_MappedVector3D_t(this,geometry) implicit none class(MappedVector3D_t),intent(inout) :: this type(SEMHex),target,intent(in) :: geometry if(.not. associated(this%geometry)) then this%geometry => geometry this%geometry_associated = .true. endif endsubroutine AssociateGeometry_MappedVector3D_t subroutine DissociateGeometry_MappedVector3D_t(this) implicit none class(MappedVector3D_t),intent(inout) :: this if(associated(this%geometry)) then this%geometry => null() this%geometry_associated = .false. endif endsubroutine DissociateGeometry_MappedVector3D_t subroutine SetInteriorFromEquation_MappedVector3D_t(this,geometry,time) !! Sets the this % interior attribute using the eqn attribute, !! geometry (for physical positions), and provided simulation time. implicit none class(MappedVector3D_t),intent(inout) :: this type(SEMHex),intent(in) :: geometry real(prec),intent(in) :: time ! Local integer :: i,j,k,iEl,iVar real(prec) :: x real(prec) :: y real(prec) :: z do iVar = 1,this%nVar do iEl = 1,this%nElem do k = 1,this%interp%N+1 do j = 1,this%interp%N+1 do i = 1,this%interp%N+1 ! Get the mesh positions x = geometry%x%interior(i,j,k,iEl,1,1) y = geometry%x%interior(i,j,k,iEl,1,2) z = geometry%x%interior(i,j,k,iEl,1,3) this%interior(i,j,k,iEl,iVar,1) = & this%eqn(1+3*(iVar-1))%Evaluate((/x,y,z,time/)) this%interior(i,j,k,iEl,iVar,2) = & this%eqn(2+3*(iVar-1))%Evaluate((/x,y,z,time/)) this%interior(i,j,k,iEl,iVar,3) = & this%eqn(3+3*(iVar-1))%Evaluate((/x,y,z,time/)) enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo endsubroutine SetInteriorFromEquation_MappedVector3D_t subroutine MPIExchangeAsync_MappedVector3D_t(this,mesh) implicit none class(MappedVector3D_t),intent(inout) :: this type(Mesh3D),intent(inout) :: mesh ! Local integer :: e1,s1,e2,s2,ivar,idir integer :: globalSideId,r2,tag integer :: iError integer :: msgCount msgCount = 0 do idir = 1,3 do ivar = 1,this%nvar do e1 = 1,this%nElem do s1 = 1,6 e2 = mesh%sideInfo(3,s1,e1) ! Neighbor Element if(e2 > 0) then r2 = mesh%decomp%elemToRank(e2) ! Neighbor Rank if(r2 /= mesh%decomp%rankId) then s2 = mesh%sideInfo(4,s1,e1)/10 globalSideId = abs(mesh%sideInfo(2,s1,e1)) tag = globalsideid+mesh%nUniqueSides*(ivar-1+this%nvar*(idir-1)) msgCount = msgCount+1 call MPI_IRECV(this%extBoundary(:,:,s1,e1,ivar,idir), & (this%interp%N+1)*(this%interp%N+1), & mesh%decomp%mpiPrec, & r2,globalSideId, & mesh%decomp%mpiComm, & mesh%decomp%requests(msgCount),iError) msgCount = msgCount+1 call MPI_ISEND(this%boundary(:,:,s1,e1,ivar,idir), & (this%interp%N+1)*(this%interp%N+1), & mesh%decomp%mpiPrec, & r2,globalSideId, & mesh%decomp%mpiComm, & mesh%decomp%requests(msgCount),iError) endif endif enddo enddo enddo enddo mesh%decomp%msgCount = msgCount endsubroutine MPIExchangeAsync_MappedVector3D_t subroutine ApplyFlip_MappedVector3D_t(this,mesh) ! Apply side flips to sides where MPI exchanges took place. implicit none class(MappedVector3D_t),intent(inout) :: this type(Mesh3D),intent(inout) :: mesh ! Local integer :: e1,s1,e2,s2,idir integer :: i,i2,j,j2 integer :: r2,flip,ivar integer :: bcid real(prec) :: extBuff(1:this%interp%N+1,1:this%interp%N+1) do idir = 1,3 do ivar = 1,this%nvar do e1 = 1,this%nElem do s1 = 1,6 e2 = mesh%sideInfo(3,s1,e1) ! Neighbor Element s2 = mesh%sideInfo(4,s1,e1)/10 bcid = mesh%sideInfo(5,s1,e1) if(e2 > 0) then ! Interior Element r2 = mesh%decomp%elemToRank(e2) ! Neighbor Rank if(r2 /= mesh%decomp%rankId) then flip = mesh%sideInfo(4,s1,e1)-s2*10 ! Need to update extBoundary with flip applied if(flip == 0) then do j = 1,this%interp%N+1 do i = 1,this%interp%N+1 extBuff(i,j) = this%extBoundary(i,j,s1,e1,ivar,idir) enddo enddo else if(flip == 1) then do j = 1,this%interp%N+1 do i = 1,this%interp%N+1 i2 = this%interp%N+2-i j2 = j extBuff(i,j) = this%extBoundary(i2,j2,s1,e1,ivar,idir) enddo enddo else if(flip == 2) then do j = 1,this%interp%N+1 do i = 1,this%interp%N+1 i2 = this%interp%N+2-i j2 = this%interp%N+2-j extBuff(i,j) = this%extBoundary(i2,j2,s1,e1,ivar,idir) enddo enddo else if(flip == 3) then do j = 1,this%interp%N+1 do i = 1,this%interp%N+1 i2 = i j2 = this%interp%N+2-j extBuff(i,j) = this%extBoundary(i2,j2,s1,e1,ivar,idir) enddo enddo else if(flip == 4) then do j = 1,this%interp%N+1 do i = 1,this%interp%N+1 extBuff(i,j) = this%extBoundary(j,i,s1,e1,ivar,idir) enddo enddo else if(flip == 5) then do j = 1,this%interp%N+1 do i = 1,this%interp%N+1 i2 = this%interp%N+2-j j2 = i extBuff(i,j) = this%extBoundary(i2,j2,s1,e1,ivar,idir) enddo enddo else if(flip == 6) then do j = 1,this%interp%N+1 do i = 1,this%interp%N+1 i2 = this%interp%N+2-j j2 = this%interp%N+2-i extBuff(i,j) = this%extBoundary(i2,j2,s1,e1,ivar,idir) enddo enddo else if(flip == 7) then do j = 1,this%interp%N+1 do i = 1,this%interp%N+1 i2 = j j2 = this%interp%N+2-i extBuff(i,j) = this%extBoundary(i2,j2,s1,e1,ivar,idir) enddo enddo endif do j = 1,this%interp%N+1 do i = 1,this%interp%N+1 this%extBoundary(i,j,s1,e1,ivar,idir) = extBuff(i,j) enddo enddo endif endif enddo enddo enddo enddo endsubroutine ApplyFlip_MappedVector3D_t subroutine SideExchange_MappedVector3D_t(this,mesh) implicit none class(MappedVector3D_t),intent(inout) :: this type(Mesh3D),intent(inout) :: mesh ! Local integer :: e1,e2,s1,s2,e2Global integer :: flip integer :: i,i2,j,j2,ivar integer :: r2 integer :: rankId,offset integer :: idir integer,pointer :: elemtorank(:) elemtorank => mesh%decomp%elemToRank(:) rankId = mesh%decomp%rankId offset = mesh%decomp%offsetElem(rankId+1) if(mesh%decomp%mpiEnabled) then call this%MPIExchangeAsync(mesh) endif do concurrent(s1=1:6,e1=1:mesh%nElem,ivar=1:this%nvar,idir=1:3) e2Global = mesh%sideInfo(3,s1,e1) s2 = mesh%sideInfo(4,s1,e1)/10 flip = mesh%sideInfo(4,s1,e1)-s2*10 if(e2Global > 0) then r2 = elemToRank(e2Global) if(r2 == rankId) then e2 = e2Global-offset if(flip == 0) then do j = 1,this%interp%N+1 do i = 1,this%interp%N+1 this%extBoundary(i,j,s1,e1,ivar,idir) = & this%boundary(i,j,s2,e2,ivar,idir) enddo enddo else if(flip == 1) then do j = 1,this%interp%N+1 do i = 1,this%interp%N+1 i2 = this%interp%N+2-i j2 = j this%extBoundary(i,j,s1,e1,ivar,idir) = & this%boundary(i2,j2,s2,e2,ivar,idir) enddo enddo else if(flip == 2) then do j = 1,this%interp%N+1 do i = 1,this%interp%N+1 i2 = this%interp%N+2-i j2 = this%interp%N+2-j this%extBoundary(i,j,s1,e1,ivar,idir) = & this%boundary(i2,j2,s2,e2,ivar,idir) enddo enddo else if(flip == 3) then do j = 1,this%interp%N+1 do i = 1,this%interp%N+1 i2 = i j2 = this%interp%N+2-j this%extBoundary(i,j,s1,e1,ivar,idir) = & this%boundary(i2,j2,s2,e2,ivar,idir) enddo enddo else if(flip == 4) then do j = 1,this%interp%N+1 do i = 1,this%interp%N+1 this%extBoundary(i,j,s1,e1,ivar,idir) = & this%boundary(j,i,s2,e2,ivar,idir) enddo enddo else if(flip == 5) then do j = 1,this%interp%N+1 do i = 1,this%interp%N+1 i2 = this%interp%N+2-j j2 = i this%extBoundary(i,j,s1,e1,ivar,idir) = this%boundary(i2,j2,s2,e2,ivar,idir) enddo enddo else if(flip == 6) then do j = 1,this%interp%N+1 do i = 1,this%interp%N+1 i2 = this%interp%N+2-j j2 = this%interp%N+2-i this%extBoundary(i,j,s1,e1,ivar,idir) = this%boundary(i2,j2,s2,e2,ivar,idir) enddo enddo else if(flip == 7) then do j = 1,this%interp%N+1 do i = 1,this%interp%N+1 i2 = j j2 = this%interp%N+2-i this%extBoundary(i,j,s1,e1,ivar,idir) = this%boundary(i2,j2,s2,e2,ivar,idir) enddo enddo endif endif endif enddo if(mesh%decomp%mpiEnabled) then call mesh%decomp%FinalizeMPIExchangeAsync() ! Apply side flips for data exchanged with MPI call this%ApplyFlip(mesh) endif endsubroutine SideExchange_MappedVector3D_t subroutine MappedDivergence_MappedVector3D_t(this,df) ! Strong Form Operator ! ! implicit none class(MappedVector3D_t),intent(in) :: this real(prec),intent(out) :: df(1:this%N+1,1:this%N+1,1:this%N+1,1:this%nelem,1:this%nvar) ! Local integer :: iEl,iVar,i,j,k,ii real(prec) :: dfLoc,Fx,Fy,Fz,Fc do concurrent(i=1:this%N+1,j=1:this%N+1, & k=1:this%N+1,iel=1:this%nelem,ivar=1:this%nvar) dfLoc = 0.0_prec do ii = 1,this%N+1 ! Convert from physical to computational space Fx = this%interior(ii,j,k,iEl,iVar,1) Fy = this%interior(ii,j,k,iEl,iVar,2) Fz = this%interior(ii,j,k,iEl,iVar,3) Fc = this%geometry%dsdx%interior(ii,j,k,iEl,1,1,1)*Fx+ & this%geometry%dsdx%interior(ii,j,k,iEl,1,2,1)*Fy+ & this%geometry%dsdx%interior(ii,j,k,iEl,1,3,1)*Fz dfLoc = dfLoc+this%interp%dMatrix(ii,i)*Fc enddo dF(i,j,k,iel,ivar) = dfLoc enddo do concurrent(i=1:this%N+1,j=1:this%N+1, & k=1:this%N+1,iel=1:this%nelem,ivar=1:this%nvar) dfLoc = 0.0_prec do ii = 1,this%N+1 ! Convert from physical to computational space Fx = this%interior(i,ii,k,iEl,iVar,1) Fy = this%interior(i,ii,k,iEl,iVar,2) Fz = this%interior(i,ii,k,iEl,iVar,3) Fc = this%geometry%dsdx%interior(i,ii,k,iEl,1,1,2)*Fx+ & this%geometry%dsdx%interior(i,ii,k,iEl,1,2,2)*Fy+ & this%geometry%dsdx%interior(i,ii,k,iEl,1,3,2)*Fz dfLoc = dfLoc+this%interp%dMatrix(ii,j)*Fc enddo dF(i,j,k,iel,ivar) = (dF(i,j,k,iel,ivar)+dfLoc) enddo do concurrent(i=1:this%N+1,j=1:this%N+1, & k=1:this%N+1,iel=1:this%nelem,ivar=1:this%nvar) dfLoc = 0.0_prec do ii = 1,this%N+1 ! Convert from physical to computational space Fx = this%interior(i,j,ii,iEl,iVar,1) Fy = this%interior(i,j,ii,iEl,iVar,2) Fz = this%interior(i,j,ii,iEl,iVar,3) Fc = this%geometry%dsdx%interior(i,j,ii,iEl,1,1,3)*Fx+ & this%geometry%dsdx%interior(i,j,ii,iEl,1,2,3)*Fy+ & this%geometry%dsdx%interior(i,j,ii,iEl,1,3,3)*Fz dfLoc = dfLoc+this%interp%dMatrix(ii,k)*Fc enddo dF(i,j,k,iel,ivar) = (dF(i,j,k,iel,ivar)+dfLoc)/this%geometry%J%interior(i,j,k,iEl,1) enddo endsubroutine MappedDivergence_MappedVector3D_t subroutine MappedDGDivergence_MappedVector3D_t(this,df) !! Computes the divergence of a 3-D vector using the weak form !! On input, the attribute of the vector !! is assigned and the attribute is set to the physical !! directions of the vector. This method will project the vector !! onto the contravariant basis vectors. implicit none class(MappedVector3D_t),intent(in) :: this real(prec),intent(out) :: df(1:this%N+1,1:this%N+1,1:this%N+1,1:this%nelem,1:this%nvar) ! Local integer :: iEl,iVar,i,j,k,ii real(prec) :: dfLoc,Fx,Fy,Fz,Fc do concurrent(i=1:this%N+1,j=1:this%N+1, & k=1:this%N+1,iel=1:this%nelem,ivar=1:this%nvar) dfLoc = 0.0_prec do ii = 1,this%N+1 ! Convert from physical to computational space Fx = this%interior(ii,j,k,iEl,iVar,1) Fy = this%interior(ii,j,k,iEl,iVar,2) Fz = this%interior(ii,j,k,iEl,iVar,3) Fc = this%geometry%dsdx%interior(ii,j,k,iEl,1,1,1)*Fx+ & this%geometry%dsdx%interior(ii,j,k,iEl,1,2,1)*Fy+ & this%geometry%dsdx%interior(ii,j,k,iEl,1,3,1)*Fz dfLoc = dfLoc+this%interp%dgMatrix(ii,i)*Fc enddo dfLoc = dfLoc+ & (this%interp%bMatrix(i,2)*this%boundaryNormal(j,k,3,iel,ivar)+ & ! east this%interp%bMatrix(i,1)*this%boundaryNormal(j,k,5,iel,ivar))/ & ! west this%interp%qweights(i) dF(i,j,k,iel,ivar) = dfLoc enddo do concurrent(i=1:this%N+1,j=1:this%N+1, & k=1:this%N+1,iel=1:this%nelem,ivar=1:this%nvar) dfLoc = 0.0_prec do ii = 1,this%N+1 ! Convert from physical to computational space Fx = this%interior(i,ii,k,iEl,iVar,1) Fy = this%interior(i,ii,k,iEl,iVar,2) Fz = this%interior(i,ii,k,iEl,iVar,3) Fc = this%geometry%dsdx%interior(i,ii,k,iEl,1,1,2)*Fx+ & this%geometry%dsdx%interior(i,ii,k,iEl,1,2,2)*Fy+ & this%geometry%dsdx%interior(i,ii,k,iEl,1,3,2)*Fz dfLoc = dfLoc+this%interp%dgMatrix(ii,j)*Fc enddo dfLoc = +dfLoc+ & (this%interp%bMatrix(j,2)*this%boundaryNormal(i,k,4,iel,ivar)+ & ! north this%interp%bMatrix(j,1)*this%boundaryNormal(i,k,2,iel,ivar))/ & ! south this%interp%qweights(j) dF(i,j,k,iel,ivar) = (dF(i,j,k,iel,ivar)+dfLoc) enddo do concurrent(i=1:this%N+1,j=1:this%N+1, & k=1:this%N+1,iel=1:this%nelem,ivar=1:this%nvar) dfLoc = 0.0_prec do ii = 1,this%N+1 ! Convert from physical to computational space Fx = this%interior(i,j,ii,iEl,iVar,1) Fy = this%interior(i,j,ii,iEl,iVar,2) Fz = this%interior(i,j,ii,iEl,iVar,3) Fc = this%geometry%dsdx%interior(i,j,ii,iEl,1,1,3)*Fx+ & this%geometry%dsdx%interior(i,j,ii,iEl,1,2,3)*Fy+ & this%geometry%dsdx%interior(i,j,ii,iEl,1,3,3)*Fz dfLoc = dfLoc+this%interp%dgMatrix(ii,k)*Fc enddo dfLoc = dfLoc+ & (this%interp%bMatrix(k,2)*this%boundaryNormal(i,j,6,iel,ivar)+ & ! top this%interp%bMatrix(k,1)*this%boundaryNormal(i,j,1,iel,ivar))/ & ! bottom this%interp%qweights(k) dF(i,j,k,iel,ivar) = (dF(i,j,k,iel,ivar)+dfLoc)/this%geometry%J%interior(i,j,k,iEl,1) enddo endsubroutine MappedDGDivergence_MappedVector3D_t ! subroutine WriteTecplot_MappedVector3D_t(this,geometry,filename) ! implicit none ! class(MappedVector3D_t),intent(inout) :: this ! type(SEMHex),intent(in) :: geometry ! character(*),intent(in),optional :: filename ! ! Local ! character(8) :: zoneID ! integer :: fUnit ! integer :: iEl,i,j,k,iVar ! character(LEN=self_FileNameLength) :: tecFile ! character(LEN=self_TecplotHeaderLength) :: tecHeader ! character(LEN=self_FormatLength) :: fmat ! character(13) :: timeStampString ! character(5) :: rankString ! real(prec) :: f(1:this%M+1,1:this%M+1,1:this%M+1,1:this%nelem,1:this%nvar,1:3) ! real(prec) :: x(1:this%M+1,1:this%M+1,1:this%M+1,1:this%nelem,1:this%nvar,1:3) ! if(present(filename)) then ! tecFile = filename ! else ! tecFile = "mappedvector.tec" ! endif ! ! Map the mesh positions to the target grid ! x = geometry%x%GridInterp() ! ! Map the solution to the target grid ! f = this%GridInterp() ! open(UNIT=NEWUNIT(fUnit), & ! FILE=trim(tecFile), & ! FORM='formatted', & ! STATUS='replace') ! tecHeader = 'VARIABLES = "X", "Y", "Z"' ! do iVar = 1,this%nVar ! tecHeader = trim(tecHeader)//', "'//trim(this%meta(iVar)%name)//'_x"' ! enddo ! do iVar = 1,this%nVar ! tecHeader = trim(tecHeader)//', "'//trim(this%meta(iVar)%name)//'_y"' ! enddo ! do iVar = 1,this%nVar ! tecHeader = trim(tecHeader)//', "'//trim(this%meta(iVar)%name)//'_z"' ! enddo ! write(fUnit,*) trim(tecHeader) ! ! Create format statement ! write(fmat,*) 3*this%nvar+3 ! fmat = '('//trim(fmat)//'(ES16.7E3,1x))' ! do iEl = 1,this%nElem ! write(zoneID,'(I8.8)') iEl ! write(fUnit,*) 'ZONE T="el'//trim(zoneID)//'", I=',this%interp%M+1, & ! ', J=',this%interp%M+1,', K=',this%interp%M+1 ! do k = 1,this%interp%M+1 ! do j = 1,this%interp%M+1 ! do i = 1,this%interp%M+1 ! write(fUnit,fmat) x(i,j,k,iEl,1,1), & ! x(i,j,k,iEl,1,2), & ! x(i,j,k,iEl,1,3), & ! f(i,j,k,iEl,1:this%nvar,1), & ! f(i,j,k,iEl,1:this%nvar,2), & ! f(i,j,k,iEl,1:this%nvar,3) ! enddo ! enddo ! enddo ! enddo ! close(UNIT=fUnit) ! endsubroutine WriteTecplot_MappedVector3D_t endmodule SELF_MappedVector_3D_t