! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! ! ! Maintainers : support@fluidnumerics.com ! Official Repository : https://github.com/FluidNumerics/self/ ! ! Copyright © 2024 Fluid Numerics LLC ! ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ! ! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ! ! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ! the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ! ! 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from ! this software without specific prior written permission. ! ! THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS “AS IS” AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ! LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ! HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ! LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ! THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ! THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ! ! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! module SELF_Mesh_3D_t use SELF_Constants use SELF_Lagrange use SELF_SupportRoutines use SELF_HDF5 use SELF_Mesh use SELF_DomainDecomposition ! External Libs ! use HDF5 use iso_c_binding implicit none ! ========================================================================= ! ! Node, Edge, Face, Element and Connectivity Standard ! ========================================================================= ! ! ! To define the element corner nodes, the side order and side connectivity, ! we follow the standard from CGNS SIDS (CFD General Notation System, ! Standard Interface Data Structures, http: //cgns.sourceforge.net/ ). ! ! Computational coordinate directions are defined as follows ! ! xi1 direction points from "West" (xi1=-1) to "East" (xi1=1) ! xi2 direction points from "South" (xi2=-1) to "North" (xi2=1) ! xi3 direction points from "Bottom" (xi3=-1) to "Top" (xi3=1) ! ! 3-D Hexahedreal Element sides are defined as ! ! Side 1 = Bottom (xi3 = -1) = [CN1, CN4, CN3, CN2] ! Side 2 = South (xi2 = -1) = [CN1, CN2, CN6, CN5] ! Side 3 = East (xi1 = 1) = [CN2, CN3, CN7, CN6] ! Side 4 = North (xi2 = 1) = [CN3, CN4, CN8, CN7] ! Side 5 = West (xi1 = -1) = [CN1, CN5, CN8, CN4] ! Side 6 = Top (xi3 = 1) = [CN5, CN6, CN7, CN8] ! ! In 3-D, corner nodes are order counter-clockwise (looking in the -xi3 direction) from ! bottom to top. ! ! CornerNode 1 = Bottom-South-West = (-1,-1,-1) ! CornerNode 2 = Bottom-South-East = ( 1,-1,-1) ! CornerNode 3 = Bottom-North-East = ( 1, 1,-1) ! CornerNode 4 = Bottom-North-West = (-1, 1,-1) ! CornerNode 5 = Top-South-West = (-1,-1, 1) ! CornerNode 6 = Top-South-East = ( 1,-1, 1) ! CornerNode 7 = Top-North-East = ( 1, 1, 1) ! CornerNode 8 = Top-North-West = (-1, 1, 1) ! ! ! Notes: ! * cornerNode attributes have not been implemented yet ! ! * For line segments, quads, and hexes, SELF uses Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto quadrature ! ! ! Connectivity information ! ! sideInfo(1:5,iSide,iEl) ! ! 1 - Side Type ! 2 - Global Side ID ! 3 - Neighbor Element ID ! 4 - 10*( neighbor local side ) + flip ! 5 - Boundary Condition ID ! ! ! ========================================================================= ! ! Side Ordering integer,parameter :: selfSide3D_Bottom = 1 integer,parameter :: selfSide3D_South = 2 integer,parameter :: selfSide3D_East = 3 integer,parameter :: selfSide3D_North = 4 integer,parameter :: selfSide3D_West = 5 integer,parameter :: selfSide3D_Top = 6 type,extends(SEMMesh) :: Mesh3D_t integer,pointer,dimension(:,:,:) :: sideInfo real(prec),pointer,dimension(:,:,:,:,:) :: nodeCoords integer,pointer,dimension(:,:) :: elemInfo integer,pointer,dimension(:,:,:,:) :: globalNodeIDs integer,pointer,dimension(:,:) :: CGNSCornerMap integer,pointer,dimension(:,:) :: sideMap integer,pointer,dimension(:,:) :: CGNSSideMap integer,pointer,dimension(:,:) :: BCType character(LEN=255),allocatable :: BCNames(:) contains procedure,public :: Init => Init_Mesh3D_t procedure,public :: Free => Free_Mesh3D_t procedure,public :: UpdateDevice => UpdateDevice_Mesh3D_t generic,public :: StructuredMesh => UniformStructuredMesh_Mesh3D_t procedure,private :: UniformStructuredMesh_Mesh3D_t procedure,public :: Read_HOPr => Read_HOPr_Mesh3D_t procedure,public :: ResetBoundaryConditionType => ResetBoundaryConditionType_Mesh3D_t procedure,public :: Write_Mesh => Write_Mesh3D_t procedure,public :: RecalculateFlip => RecalculateFlip_Mesh3D_t endtype Mesh3D_t integer,private :: CGNStoSELFflip(1:6,1:6,1:4) ! This table maps the primary side, secondary side, and CGNS flip values ! to indexing flips that are used in SELF. ! This table is used after reading in HOPr mesh information in "RecalculateFlip" ! SELF's flip indices correspond to the following scenarios ! ! 0 i2 = i1 j2 = j1 ! 1 i2 = N-i1 j2 = j1 ! 2 i2 = N-i1 j2 = N-j1 ! 3 i2 = i1 j2 = N-j1 ! 4 i2 = j1 j2 = i1 ! 5 i2 = N-j1 j2 = i1 ! 6 i2 = N-j1 j2 = N-i1 ! 7 i2 = j1 j2 = N-i1 ! data CGNStoSELFflip/ & 4,0,0,1,4,0, & 0,4,4,5,0,4, & 0,4,4,5,0,4, & 1,7,7,6,1,7, & 4,0,0,1,4,0, & 0,4,4,5,0,4, & 3,5,5,4,3,5, & 7,1,1,0,7,1, & 7,1,1,0,7,1, & 4,0,0,1,4,0, & 3,5,5,4,3,5, & 7,1,1,0,7,1, & 6,2,2,3,6,2, & 2,6,6,7,2,6, & 2,6,6,7,2,6, & 3,5,5,4,3,5, & 6,2,2,3,6,2, & 2,6,6,7,2,6, & 1,7,7,6,1,7, & 5,3,3,2,5,3, & 5,3,3,2,5,3, & 6,2,2,3,6,2, & 1,7,7,6,1,7, & 5,3,3,2,5,3/ contains subroutine Init_Mesh3D_t(this,nGeo,nElem,nSides,nNodes,nBCs) implicit none class(Mesh3D_t),intent(inout) :: this integer,intent(in) :: nGeo integer,intent(in) :: nElem integer,intent(in) :: nSides integer,intent(in) :: nNodes integer,intent(in) :: nBCs ! Local integer :: i,j,k,l this%nElem = nElem this%nGlobalElem = nElem this%nGeo = nGeo this%nSides = nSides this%nNodes = nNodes this%nCornerNodes = 0 this%nUniqueSides = 0 this%nUniqueNodes = 0 this%nBCs = nBCs allocate(this%elemInfo(1:6,1:nElem)) allocate(this%sideInfo(1:5,1:6,1:nElem)) allocate(this%nodeCoords(1:3,1:nGeo+1,1:nGeo+1,1:nGeo+1,1:nElem)) allocate(this%globalNodeIDs(1:nGeo+1,1:nGeo+1,1:nGeo+1,1:nElem)) allocate(this%CGNSCornerMap(1:3,1:8)) allocate(this%CGNSSideMap(1:4,1:6)) allocate(this%sideMap(1:4,1:6)) allocate(this%BCType(1:4,1:nBCs)) allocate(this%BCNames(1:nBCs)) ! Create lookup tables to assist with connectivity generation this%CGNSCornerMap(1:3,1) = (/1,1,1/) ! Bottom-South-West this%CGNSCornerMap(1:3,2) = (/nGeo+1,1,1/) ! Bottom-South-East this%CGNSCornerMap(1:3,3) = (/nGeo+1,nGeo+1,1/) ! Bottom-North-East this%CGNSCornerMap(1:3,4) = (/1,nGeo+1,1/) ! Bottom-North-West this%CGNSCornerMap(1:3,5) = (/1,1,nGeo+1/) ! Top-South-West this%CGNSCornerMap(1:3,6) = (/nGeo+1,1,nGeo+1/) ! Top-South-East this%CGNSCornerMap(1:3,7) = (/nGeo+1,nGeo+1,nGeo+1/) ! Top-North-East this%CGNSCornerMap(1:3,8) = (/1,nGeo+1,nGeo+1/) ! Top-North-West ! Maps from local corner node id to CGNS side this%CGNSSideMap(1:4,1) = (/1,4,3,2/) this%CGNSSideMap(1:4,2) = (/1,2,6,5/) this%CGNSSideMap(1:4,3) = (/2,3,7,6/) this%CGNSSideMap(1:4,4) = (/3,4,8,7/) this%CGNSSideMap(1:4,5) = (/1,5,8,4/) this%CGNSSideMap(1:4,6) = (/5,6,7,8/) ! Sidemap traverses each face so that the normal ! formed by the right hand rule is the coordinate ! positive pointing normal. For east,north,and top ! this is an outward facing normal. ! For bottom, south, and west, the normal is inward ! facing. this%sideMap(1:4,1) = (/1,2,3,4/) ! Bottom this%sideMap(1:4,2) = (/1,2,6,5/) ! South this%sideMap(1:4,3) = (/2,3,7,6/) ! East this%sideMap(1:4,4) = (/4,3,7,8/) ! North this%sideMap(1:4,5) = (/1,4,8,5/) ! West this%sideMap(1:4,6) = (/5,6,7,8/) ! Top endsubroutine Init_Mesh3D_t subroutine Free_Mesh3D_t(this) implicit none class(Mesh3D_t),intent(inout) :: this this%nElem = 0 this%nSides = 0 this%nNodes = 0 this%nCornerNodes = 0 this%nUniqueSides = 0 this%nUniqueNodes = 0 this%nBCs = 0 deallocate(this%elemInfo) deallocate(this%sideInfo) deallocate(this%nodeCoords) deallocate(this%globalNodeIDs) deallocate(this%CGNSCornerMap) deallocate(this%sideMap) deallocate(this%CGNSSideMap) deallocate(this%BCType) deallocate(this%BCNames) call this%decomp%Free() endsubroutine Free_Mesh3D_t subroutine UpdateDevice_Mesh3D_t(this) implicit none class(Mesh3D_t),intent(inout) :: this return endsubroutine UpdateDevice_Mesh3D_t subroutine ResetBoundaryConditionType_Mesh3D_t(this,bcid) !! This method can be used to reset all of the boundary elements !! boundary condition type to the desired value. !! !! Note that ALL physical boundaries will be set to have this boundary !! condition implicit none class(Mesh3D_t),intent(inout) :: this integer,intent(in) :: bcid ! Local integer :: iSide,iEl,e2 do iEl = 1,this%nElem do iSide = 1,6 e2 = this%sideInfo(3,iSide,iEl) if(e2 == 0) then this%sideInfo(5,iSide,iEl) = bcid endif enddo enddo call this%UpdateDevice() endsubroutine ResetBoundaryConditionType_Mesh3D_t subroutine RecalculateFlip_Mesh3D_t(this) implicit none class(Mesh3D_t),intent(inout) :: this ! Local integer :: e1 integer :: s1 integer :: e2 integer :: s2 integer :: cgnsFlip,selfFlip do e1 = 1,this%nElem do s1 = 1,6 e2 = this%sideInfo(3,s1,e1) s2 = this%sideInfo(4,s1,e1)/10 cgnsFlip = this%sideInfo(4,s1,e1)-s2*10 if(e2 /= 0) then selfFlip = CGNStoSELFflip(s2,s1,cgnsFlip) this%sideInfo(4,s1,e1) = 10*s2+selfFlip endif enddo enddo endsubroutine RecalculateFlip_Mesh3D_t pure function elementid(i,j,k,ti,tj,tk,nxpertile,nypertile,nzpertile, & ntilex,ntiley,ntilez) result(eid) integer,intent(in) :: i,j,k integer,intent(in) :: ti,tj,tk integer,intent(in) :: nxpertile,nypertile,nzpertile integer,intent(in) :: ntilex,ntiley,ntilez integer :: eid eid = i+nxpertile*(j-1+nypertile*(k-1+nzpertile*( & ti-1+ntilex*(tj-1+ntiley*(tk-1))))) endfunction elementid subroutine UniformStructuredMesh_Mesh3D_t(this,nxPerTile,nyPerTile,nzPerTile, & nTileX,nTileY,nTileZ,dx,dy,dz,bcids) !! !! Create a structured mesh and store it in SELF's unstructured mesh format. !! The mesh is created in tiles of size (tnx,tny,tnz). Tiling is used to determine !! the element ordering. !! !! !! Input !! - this : Fresh/empty mesh2d_t object !! - nxPerTile : The number of elements in the x direction within a tile !! - nyPerTile : The number of elements in the y direction within a tile !! - nzPerTile : The number of elements in the z direction within a tile !! - nTileX : The number of tiles in the x direction !! - nTileY : The number of tiles in the y direction !! - nTileZ : The number of tiles in the z direction !! - dx : Element width in the x-direction !! - dy : Element width in the y-direction !! - dz : Element width in the z-direction !! - bcids(1:6) : Boundary condition flags for the south, east, north, and west sides of the domain !! - enableDomainDecomposition : Boolean to determine if domain decomposition is used. !! !! Output !! - this : mesh2d_t object with vertices, faces, and element information !! !! Total number of elements in the x-direction is nX = nxPerTile*nTileX !! Total number of elements in the y-direction is nY = nyPerTile*nTileY !! !! Length of the domain in the x-direction is Lx = dx*nX !! Length of the domain in the y-direction is Ly = dy*nY !! implicit none class(Mesh3D_t),intent(out) :: this integer,intent(in) :: nxPerTile integer,intent(in) :: nyPerTile integer,intent(in) :: nzPerTile integer,intent(in) :: nTileX integer,intent(in) :: nTileY integer,intent(in) :: nTileZ real(prec),intent(in) :: dx real(prec),intent(in) :: dy real(prec),intent(in) :: dz integer,intent(in) :: bcids(1:6) ! Local integer :: nX,nY,nZ,nGeo,nBCs integer :: nGlobalElem integer :: nUniqueSides integer :: nUniqueNodes integer :: nLocalElems integer :: nLocalSides integer :: nLocalNodes real(prec),allocatable :: nodeCoords(:,:,:,:,:) integer,allocatable :: globalNodeIDs(:,:,:,:) integer,allocatable :: sideInfo(:,:,:) integer :: i,j,k,ti,tj,tk integer :: ix,iy,iz,iel integer :: ni,nj,nk integer :: e1,e2,s1,s2 integer :: nfaces call this%decomp%init() nX = nTileX*nxPerTile nY = nTileY*nyPerTile nZ = nTileZ*nzPerTile nGeo = 1 ! Force the geometry to be linear nBCs = 6 ! Force the number of boundary conditions to 4 nGlobalElem = nX*nY*nZ nUniqueSides = (nX+1)*nY*nZ+(nY+1)*nX*nZ+(nZ+1)*nX*nY nUniqueNodes = (nX+1)*(nY+1)*(nZ+1) allocate(nodeCoords(1:3,1:nGeo+1,1:nGeo+1,1:nGeo+1,1:nGlobalElem)) allocate(globalNodeIDs(1:nGeo+1,1:nGeo+1,1:nGeo+1,1:nGlobalElem)) allocate(sideInfo(1:5,1:6,1:nGlobalElem)) do tk = 1,nTileZ do tj = 1,nTileY do ti = 1,nTileX do k = 1,nzPerTile iz = k+nzPerTile*(tk-1) do j = 1,nyPerTile iy = j+nyPerTile*(tj-1) do i = 1,nxPerTile iel = elementid(i,j,k,ti,tj,tk, & nxpertile,nypertile,nzpertile, & ntilex,ntiley,ntilez) ix = i+nxPerTile*(ti-1) do nk = 1,nGeo+1 do nj = 1,nGeo+1 do ni = 1,nGeo+1 nodeCoords(1,ni,nj,nk,iel) = real(ni-1+ix-1,prec)*dx nodeCoords(2,ni,nj,nk,iel) = real(nj-1+iy-1,prec)*dy nodeCoords(3,ni,nj,nk,iel) = real(nk-1+iz-1,prec)*dz globalNodeIDs(ni,nj,nk,iel) = ni-1+i+(nxPerTile+1)*( & nj-1+j-1+(nyPerTile+1)*( & nk-1+k-1+(nzPerTile+1)*( & (ti-1+nTileX*( & tj-1+nTileY*(tk-1)))))) enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo ! Fill in face information ! sideInfo(1:5,iSide,iEl) ! 1 - Side Type (currently unused in SELF) ! 2 - Global Side ID (Used for message passing) ! 3 - Neighbor Element ID ! 4 - 10*( neighbor local side ) + flip ! 5 - Boundary Condition ID nfaces = 0 do tk = 1,nTileZ do tj = 1,nTileY do ti = 1,nTileX do k = 1,nzPerTile do j = 1,nyPerTile do i = 1,nxPerTile iel = elementid(i,j,k,ti,tj,tk, & nxpertile,nypertile,nzpertile, & ntilex,ntiley,ntilez) ! bottom, iside=1 s1 = 1 s2 = 6 if(k == 1) then ! bottom most part of the tile if(tk == 1) then ! bottom most tile nfaces = nfaces+1 sideinfo(2,s1,iel) = nfaces sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = 0 ! Neigbor element (null, boundary condition) sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 0 ! Neighbor side id (null, boundary condition) sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = bcids(s1) ! Boundary condition id; set from the user input else ! interior tile !neighbor element is the top most element in the tile beneath e2 = elementid(i,j,nzpertile,ti,tj,tk-1, & nxpertile,nypertile,nzpertile, & ntilex,ntiley,ntilez) sideinfo(2,s1,iel) = sideInfo(2,s2,e2) ! Copy the face id from neighbor sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = e2 sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 10*s2 ! Neighbor side id sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = 0 ! Boundary condition id; (null, interior face) endif else ! interior to the tile !neighbor element is in the same tile, but beneath e2 = elementid(i,j,k-1,ti,tj,tk, & nxpertile,nypertile,nzpertile, & ntilex,ntiley,ntilez) sideinfo(2,s1,iel) = sideInfo(2,s2,e2) ! Copy the face id from neighbor sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = e2 sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 10*s2 ! Neighbor side id sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = 0 ! Boundary condition id; (null, interior face) endif ! south, iside=2 s1 = 2 s2 = 4 ! Neighbor side is north (4) if(j == 1) then ! southern most part of the tile if(tj == 1) then ! southern most tile nfaces = nfaces+1 sideinfo(2,s1,iel) = nfaces sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = 0 ! Neigbor element (null, boundary condition) sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 0 ! Neighbor side id (null, boundary condition) sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = bcids(s1) ! Boundary condition id; eastern boundary set from the user input else ! interior tile !neighbor element is northernmost element in the tile to the south e2 = elementid(i,nypertile,k,ti,tj-1,tk, & nxpertile,nypertile,nzpertile, & ntilex,ntiley,ntilez) sideinfo(2,s1,iel) = sideInfo(2,s2,e2) ! Copy the face id from neighbor sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = e2 ! Neigbor element sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 10*s2 ! Neighbor side id sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = 0 ! Boundary condition id; (null, interior face) endif else ! interior to the tile !neighbor element is in the same tile, to the south e2 = elementid(i,j-1,k,ti,tj,tk, & nxpertile,nypertile,nzpertile, & ntilex,ntiley,ntilez) sideinfo(2,s1,iel) = sideInfo(2,s2,e2) ! Copy the face id from neighbor sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = e2 ! Neigbor element sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 10*s2 ! Neighbor side id sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = 0 ! Boundary condition id; (null, interior face) endif ! east, iside=3 s1 = 3 s2 = 5 ! neighbor side id is west (5) ! East faces are always new faces, due to the way we are traversing the grid nfaces = nfaces+1 sideinfo(2,s1,iel) = nfaces if(i == nxPerTile) then ! eastern most part of the tile if(ti == nTileX) then ! eastern most tile sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = 0 ! Neigbor element (null, boundary condition) sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 0 ! Neighbor side id (null, boundary condition) sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = bcids(s1) ! Boundary condition id; else ! interior tile !neighbor element is westernmost element in tile to the east e2 = elementid(1,j,k,ti+1,tj,tk, & nxpertile,nypertile,nzpertile, & ntilex,ntiley,ntilez) sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = e2 ! Neigbor element sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 10*s2 ! Neighbor side id sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = 0 ! Boundary condition id; (null, interior face) endif else ! interior to the tile !neighbor element is in the same tile, to the east e2 = elementid(i+1,j,k,ti,tj,tk, & nxpertile,nypertile,nzpertile, & ntilex,ntiley,ntilez) sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = e2 ! Neigbor element sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 10*s2 ! Neighbor side id sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = 0 ! Boundary condition id; (null, interior face) endif ! north, iside=4 s1 = 4 s2 = 2 ! neighbor side is south (2) ! North faces are always new faces, due to the way we are traversing the grid nfaces = nfaces+1 sideinfo(2,s1,iel) = nfaces if(j == nyPerTile) then ! northern most part of the tile if(tj == nTileY) then ! northern most tile sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = 0 ! Neigbor element (null, boundary condition) sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 0 ! Neighbor side id (null, boundary condition) sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = bcids(s1) ! Boundary condition id; set from the user input else ! interior tile, but northern most face of the tile !neighbor element is the southernmost element in the tile to the north e2 = elementid(i,1,k,ti,tj+1,tk, & nxpertile,nypertile,nzpertile, & ntilex,ntiley,ntilez) sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = e2 ! Neigbor element sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 10*s2 ! Neighbor side id sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = 0 ! Boundary condition id; (null, interior face) endif else ! interior to the tile !neighbor element is the tile to the north e2 = elementid(i,j+1,k,ti,tj,tk, & nxpertile,nypertile,nzpertile, & ntilex,ntiley,ntilez) sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = e2 ! Neigbor element sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 10*s2 ! Neighbor side id sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = 0 ! Boundary condition id; (null, interior face) endif ! west, iside=5 s1 = 5 s2 = 3 ! neighbor side id is east (3) if(i == 1) then ! western most part of the tile if(ti == 1) then ! western most tile nfaces = nfaces+1 sideinfo(2,s1,iel) = nfaces sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = 0 ! Neigbor element (null, boundary condition) sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 0 ! Neighbor side id (null, boundary condition) sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = bcids(s1) ! Boundary condition id else ! interior tile, but western most face of the tile !neighbor element is the easternmost element in the tile to the west e2 = elementid(nxperTile,j,k,ti-1,tj,tk, & nxpertile,nypertile,nzpertile, & ntilex,ntiley,ntilez) sideinfo(2,s1,iel) = sideInfo(2,s2,e2) ! Copy the face id from neighbor's east face sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = e2 sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 10*s2 ! Neighbor side id - neighbor to the west, east side (2) sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = 0 ! Boundary condition id; (null, interior face) endif else ! interior to the tile !neighbor element is the element to the west in the same tile e2 = elementid(i-1,j,k,ti,tj,tk, & nxpertile,nypertile,nzpertile, & ntilex,ntiley,ntilez) sideinfo(2,s1,iel) = sideInfo(2,s2,e2) ! Copy the face id from neighbor's east face sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = e2 sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 10*s2 ! Neighbor side id - neighbor to the west, east side (2) sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = 0 ! Boundary condition id; (null, interior face) endif ! top, iside=6 s1 = 6 s2 = 1 ! neighbor side is bottom (1) ! Top faces are always new faces, due to the way we are traversing the grid nfaces = nfaces+1 sideinfo(2,s1,iel) = nfaces if(k == nzPerTile) then ! top most part of the tile if(tk == nTileZ) then ! top most tile sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = 0 ! Neigbor element (null, boundary condition) sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 0 ! Neighbor side id (null, boundary condition) sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = bcids(s1) ! Boundary condition id; set from the user input else ! interior tile, but top most face of the tile !neighbor element is the bottom-most element in the tile above e2 = elementid(i,j,1,ti,tj,tk+1, & nxpertile,nypertile,nzpertile, & ntilex,ntiley,ntilez) sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = e2 ! Neigbor element sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 10*s2 ! Neighbor side id sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = 0 ! Boundary condition id; (null, interior face) endif else ! interior to the tile !neighbor element is the tile above e2 = elementid(i,j,k+1,ti,tj,tk, & nxpertile,nypertile,nzpertile, & ntilex,ntiley,ntilez) sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = e2 ! Neigbor element, inside same tile, to the north sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 10*s2 ! Neighbor side id - neighbor to the north, south side (1) sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = 0 ! Boundary condition id; (null, interior face) endif enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo call this%decomp%GenerateDecomposition(nGlobalElem,nUniqueSides) e1 = this%decomp%offsetElem(this%decomp%rankId+1)+1 e2 = this%decomp%offsetElem(this%decomp%rankId+2) nLocalElems = e2-e1+1 nLocalSides = nLocalElems*6 nLocalNodes = nLocalElems*8 call this%Init(nGeo,nLocalElems,nLocalSides,nLocalNodes,nBCs) this%nUniqueSides = nUniqueSides this%quadrature = UNIFORM this%nodeCoords(1:3,1:nGeo+1,1:nGeo+1,1:nGeo+1,1:nLocalElems) = nodeCoords(1:3,1:nGeo+1,1:nGeo+1,1:nGeo+1,e1:e2) this%globalNodeIDs(1:nGeo+1,1:nGeo+1,1:nGeo+1,1:nLocalElems) = globalNodeIDs(1:nGeo+1,1:nGeo+1,1:nGeo+1,e1:e2) this%sideInfo(1:5,1:6,1:nLocalElems) = sideInfo(1:5,1:6,e1:e2) deallocate(nodeCoords) deallocate(globalNodeIDs) deallocate(sideInfo) call this%UpdateDevice() endsubroutine UniformStructuredMesh_Mesh3D_t subroutine Read_HOPr_Mesh3D_t(this,meshFile) ! From https://www.hopr-project.org/externals/Meshformat.pdf, Algorithm 6 implicit none class(Mesh3D_t),intent(out) :: this character(*),intent(in) :: meshFile ! Local integer(HID_T) :: fileId integer(HID_T) :: offset(1:2),gOffset(1) integer :: nGlobalElem integer :: firstElem integer :: firstNode integer :: firstSide integer :: nLocalElems integer :: nLocalNodes integer :: nLocalSides integer :: nUniqueSides integer :: nGeo,nBCs integer :: eid,lsid,iSide integer :: i,j,k,nid integer,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: hopr_elemInfo integer,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: hopr_sideInfo real(prec),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: hopr_nodeCoords integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: hopr_globalNodeIDs integer,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: bcType call this%decomp%init() if(this%decomp%mpiEnabled) then call Open_HDF5(meshFile,H5F_ACC_RDONLY_F,fileId,this%decomp%mpiComm) else call Open_HDF5(meshFile,H5F_ACC_RDONLY_F,fileId) endif call ReadAttribute_HDF5(fileId,'nElems',nGlobalElem) call ReadAttribute_HDF5(fileId,'Ngeo',nGeo) call ReadAttribute_HDF5(fileId,'nBCs',nBCs) call ReadAttribute_HDF5(fileId,'nUniqueSides',nUniqueSides) ! Read BCType allocate(bcType(1:4,1:nBCs)) if(this%decomp%mpiEnabled) then offset(:) = 0 call ReadArray_HDF5(fileId,'BCType',bcType,offset) else call ReadArray_HDF5(fileId,'BCType',bcType) endif ! Read local subarray of ElemInfo call this%decomp%GenerateDecomposition(nGlobalElem,nUniqueSides) firstElem = this%decomp%offsetElem(this%decomp%rankId+1)+1 nLocalElems = this%decomp%offsetElem(this%decomp%rankId+2)- & this%decomp%offsetElem(this%decomp%rankId+1) ! Allocate Space for hopr_elemInfo! allocate(hopr_elemInfo(1:6,1:nLocalElems)) if(this%decomp%mpiEnabled) then offset = (/0,firstElem-1/) call ReadArray_HDF5(fileId,'ElemInfo',hopr_elemInfo,offset) else call ReadArray_HDF5(fileId,'ElemInfo',hopr_elemInfo) endif ! Read local subarray of NodeCoords and GlobalNodeIDs firstNode = hopr_elemInfo(5,1)+1 nLocalNodes = hopr_elemInfo(6,nLocalElems)-hopr_elemInfo(5,1) ! Allocate Space for hopr_nodeCoords and hopr_globalNodeIDs ! allocate(hopr_nodeCoords(1:3,1:nLocalNodes),hopr_globalNodeIDs(1:nLocalNodes)) if(this%decomp%mpiEnabled) then offset = (/0,firstNode-1/) call ReadArray_HDF5(fileId,'NodeCoords',hopr_nodeCoords,offset) gOffset = (/firstNode-1/) call ReadArray_HDF5(fileId,'GlobalNodeIDs',hopr_globalNodeIDs,gOffset) else call ReadArray_HDF5(fileId,'NodeCoords',hopr_nodeCoords) call ReadArray_HDF5(fileId,'GlobalNodeIDs',hopr_globalNodeIDs) endif ! Read local subarray of SideInfo firstSide = hopr_elemInfo(3,1)+1 nLocalSides = hopr_elemInfo(4,nLocalElems)-hopr_elemInfo(3,1) ! Allocate space for hopr_sideInfo allocate(hopr_sideInfo(1:5,1:nLocalSides)) if(this%decomp%mpiEnabled) then offset = (/0,firstSide-1/) call ReadArray_HDF5(fileId,'SideInfo',hopr_sideInfo,offset) else call ReadArray_HDF5(fileId,'SideInfo',hopr_sideInfo) endif call Close_HDF5(fileID) ! ---- Done reading 3-D Mesh information ---- ! ! Load hopr data into mesh data structure call this%Init(nGeo,nLocalElems,nLocalSides,nLocalNodes,nBCs) ! Copy data from local arrays into this this%elemInfo = hopr_elemInfo this%nUniqueSides = nUniqueSides this%quadrature = UNIFORM ! Grab the node coordinates do eid = 1,this%nElem do k = 1,nGeo+1 do j = 1,nGeo+1 do i = 1,nGeo+1 nid = i+(nGeo+1)*(j-1+(nGeo+1)*(k-1+(nGeo+1)*(eid-1))) this%nodeCoords(1:3,i,j,k,eid) = hopr_nodeCoords(1:3,nid) this%globalNodeIDs(i,j,k,eid) = hopr_globalNodeIDs(nid) enddo enddo enddo enddo iSide = 0 do eid = 1,this%nElem do lsid = 1,6 iSide = iSide+1 this%sideInfo(1:5,lsid,eid) = hopr_sideInfo(1:5,iSide) enddo enddo call this%RecalculateFlip() deallocate(hopr_elemInfo,hopr_nodeCoords,hopr_globalNodeIDs,hopr_sideInfo) call this%UpdateDevice() endsubroutine Read_HOPr_Mesh3D_t subroutine Write_Mesh3D_t(this,meshFile) ! Writes mesh output in HOPR format (serial only) implicit none class(Mesh3D_t),intent(inout) :: this character(*),intent(in) :: meshFile ! Local integer(HID_T) :: fileId call Open_HDF5(meshFile,H5F_ACC_RDWR_F,fileId) call WriteAttribute_HDF5(fileId,'nElems',this%nElem) call WriteAttribute_HDF5(fileId,'Ngeo',this%nGeo) call WriteAttribute_HDF5(fileId,'nBCs',this%nBCs) call WriteArray_HDF5(fileId,'BCType',this%bcType) call WriteArray_HDF5(fileId,'ElemInfo',this%elemInfo) ! Read local subarray of NodeCoords and GlobalNodeIDs call WriteArray_HDF5(fileId,'NodeCoords',this%nodeCoords) call WriteArray_HDF5(fileId,'GlobalNodeIDs',this%globalNodeIDs) ! Read local subarray of SideInfo call WriteArray_HDF5(fileId,'SideInfo',this%sideInfo) call Close_HDF5(fileID) endsubroutine Write_Mesh3D_t endmodule SELF_Mesh_3D_t