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THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS “AS IS” AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ! LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ! HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ! LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ! THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ! THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ! ! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! module SELF_MappedVector_2D use SELF_MappedVector_2D_t use SELF_GPU use SELF_GPUInterfaces use SELF_GPUBLAS use iso_c_binding implicit none type,extends(MappedVector2D_t),public :: MappedVector2D contains procedure,public :: SetInteriorFromEquation => SetInteriorFromEquation_MappedVector2D procedure,public :: SideExchange => SideExchange_MappedVector2D procedure,private :: MPIExchangeAsync => MPIExchangeAsync_MappedVector2D generic,public :: MappedDivergence => MappedDivergence_MappedVector2D procedure,private :: MappedDivergence_MappedVector2D generic,public :: MappedDGDivergence => MappedDGDivergence_MappedVector2D procedure,private :: MappedDGDivergence_MappedVector2D endtype MappedVector2D interface subroutine ContravariantProjection_2D_gpu(f,dsdx,N,nvar,nel) & bind(c,name="ContravariantProjection_2D_gpu") use iso_c_binding implicit none type(c_ptr),value :: f,dsdx integer(c_int),value :: N,nvar,nel endsubroutine ContravariantProjection_2D_gpu endinterface contains subroutine SetInteriorFromEquation_MappedVector2D(this,geometry,time) !! Sets the this % interior attribute using the eqn attribute, !! geometry (for physical positions), and provided simulation time. implicit none class(MappedVector2D),intent(inout) :: this type(SEMQuad),intent(in) :: geometry real(prec),intent(in) :: time ! Local integer :: i,j,iEl,iVar real(prec) :: x real(prec) :: y do iVar = 1,this%nVar do iEl = 1,this%nElem do j = 1,this%interp%N+1 do i = 1,this%interp%N+1 ! Get the mesh positions x = geometry%x%interior(i,j,iEl,1,1) y = geometry%x%interior(i,j,iEl,1,2) this%interior(i,j,iEl,iVar,1) = & this%eqn(1+2*(iVar-1))%Evaluate((/x,y,0.0_prec,time/)) this%interior(i,j,iEl,iVar,2) = & this%eqn(2+2*(iVar-1))%Evaluate((/x,y,0.0_prec,time/)) enddo enddo enddo enddo call gpuCheck(hipMemcpy(this%interior_gpu,c_loc(this%interior),sizeof(this%interior),hipMemcpyHostToDevice)) endsubroutine SetInteriorFromEquation_MappedVector2D subroutine MPIExchangeAsync_MappedVector2D(this,mesh) implicit none class(MappedVector2D),intent(inout) :: this type(Mesh2D),intent(inout) :: mesh ! Local integer :: e1,s1,e2,s2,ivar,idir integer :: globalSideId,r2,tag integer :: iError integer :: msgCount real(prec),pointer :: boundary(:,:,:,:,:) real(prec),pointer :: extboundary(:,:,:,:,:) msgCount = 0 call c_f_pointer(this%boundary_gpu,boundary,[this%interp%N+1,4,this%nelem,this%nvar,2]) call c_f_pointer(this%extboundary_gpu,extboundary,[this%interp%N+1,4,this%nelem,this%nvar,2]) do idir = 1,2 do ivar = 1,this%nvar do e1 = 1,this%nElem do s1 = 1,4 e2 = mesh%sideInfo(3,s1,e1) ! Neighbor Element if(e2 > 0) then r2 = mesh%decomp%elemToRank(e2) ! Neighbor Rank if(r2 /= mesh%decomp%rankId) then s2 = mesh%sideInfo(4,s1,e1)/10 globalSideId = abs(mesh%sideInfo(2,s1,e1)) ! create unique tag for each side and each variable tag = globalsideid+mesh%nUniqueSides*(ivar-1+this%nvar*(idir-1)) msgCount = msgCount+1 call MPI_IRECV(extBoundary(:,s1,e1,ivar,idir), & (this%interp%N+1), & mesh%decomp%mpiPrec, & r2,tag, & mesh%decomp%mpiComm, & mesh%decomp%requests(msgCount),iError) msgCount = msgCount+1 call MPI_ISEND(boundary(:,s1,e1,ivar,idir), & (this%interp%N+1), & mesh%decomp%mpiPrec, & r2,tag, & mesh%decomp%mpiComm, & mesh%decomp%requests(msgCount),iError) endif endif enddo enddo enddo enddo mesh%decomp%msgCount = msgCount endsubroutine MPIExchangeAsync_MappedVector2D subroutine SideExchange_MappedVector2D(this,mesh) implicit none class(MappedVector2D),intent(inout) :: this type(Mesh2D),intent(inout) :: mesh ! Local integer :: e1,e2,s1,s2,e2Global integer :: flip,bcid integer :: i1,i2,ivar,idir integer :: neighborRank integer :: offset offset = mesh%decomp%offsetElem(mesh%decomp%rankid+1) if(mesh%decomp%mpiEnabled) then call this%MPIExchangeAsync(mesh) endif ! Do the side exchange internal to this mpi process call SideExchange_2D_gpu(this%extboundary_gpu, & this%boundary_gpu,mesh%sideinfo_gpu,mesh%decomp%elemToRank_gpu, & mesh%decomp%rankid,offset,this%interp%N,2*this%nvar,this%nelem) if(mesh%decomp%mpiEnabled) then call mesh%decomp%FinalizeMPIExchangeAsync() ! Apply side flips for data exchanged with MPI call ApplyFlip_2D_gpu(this%extboundary_gpu,mesh%sideInfo_gpu, & mesh%decomp%elemToRank_gpu,mesh%decomp%rankId, & offset,this%interp%N,2*this%nVar,this%nElem) endif endsubroutine SideExchange_MappedVector2D subroutine MappedDivergence_MappedVector2D(this,df) implicit none class(MappedVector2D),intent(inout) :: this type(c_ptr),intent(out) :: df ! Local real(prec),pointer :: f_p(:,:,:,:,:) type(c_ptr) :: fc ! Contravariant projection call ContravariantProjection_2D_gpu(this%interior_gpu, & this%geometry%dsdx%interior_gpu,this%interp%N,this%nvar,this%nelem) call Divergence_2D_gpu(this%interior_gpu,df,this%interp%dMatrix_gpu, & this%interp%N,this%nvar,this%nelem) call JacobianWeight_2D_gpu(df,this%geometry%J%interior_gpu,this%interp%N,this%nVar,this%nelem) endsubroutine MappedDivergence_MappedVector2D subroutine MappedDGDivergence_MappedVector2D(this,df) implicit none class(MappedVector2D),intent(inout) :: this type(c_ptr),intent(out) :: df ! Contravariant projection call ContravariantProjection_2D_gpu(this%interior_gpu, & this%geometry%dsdx%interior_gpu,this%interp%N,this%nvar,this%nelem) call Divergence_2D_gpu(this%interior_gpu,df,this%interp%dgMatrix_gpu, & this%interp%N,this%nvar,this%nelem) ! Boundary terms call DG_BoundaryContribution_2D_gpu(this%interp%bmatrix_gpu,this%interp%qweights_gpu, & this%boundarynormal_gpu,df,this%interp%N,this%nvar,this%nelem) call JacobianWeight_2D_gpu(df,this%geometry%J%interior_gpu,this%interp%N,this%nVar,this%nelem) endsubroutine MappedDGDivergence_MappedVector2D endmodule SELF_MappedVector_2D