! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! ! ! Maintainers : support@fluidnumerics.com ! Official Repository : https://github.com/FluidNumerics/self/ ! ! Copyright © 2024 Fluid Numerics LLC ! ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ! ! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ! ! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ! the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ! ! 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from ! this software without specific prior written permission. ! ! THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS “AS IS” AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ! LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ! HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ! LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ! THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ! THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ! ! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! module SELF_Geometry_2D use SELF_Constants use SELF_Lagrange use SELF_Data use SELF_Scalar_2D use SELF_Vector_2D use SELF_Tensor_2D use SELF_SupportRoutines use SELF_Mesh_2D implicit none type,public :: SEMQuad type(Vector2D) :: x ! Physical positions type(Tensor2D) :: dxds ! Covariant basis vectors type(Tensor2D) :: dsdx ! Contavariant basis vectors type(Vector2D) :: nHat ! Normal Vectors pointing across coordinate lines type(Scalar2D) :: nScale ! Boundary scale type(Scalar2D) :: J ! Jacobian of the transformation integer :: nElem contains procedure,public :: Init => Init_SEMQuad procedure,public :: Free => Free_SEMQuad procedure,public :: GenerateFromMesh => GenerateFromMesh_SEMQuad procedure,public :: CalculateMetricTerms => CalculateMetricTerms_SEMQuad procedure,private :: CalculateContravariantBasis => CalculateContravariantBasis_SEMQuad procedure,public :: WriteTecplot => WriteTecplot_SEMQuad endtype SEMQuad contains subroutine Init_SEMQuad(myGeom,interp,nElem) implicit none class(SEMQuad),intent(out) :: myGeom type(Lagrange),pointer,intent(in) :: interp integer,intent(in) :: nElem myGeom%nElem = nElem call myGeom%x%Init(interp=interp, & nVar=1, & nElem=nElem) call myGeom%x%meta(1)%SetName("x") call myGeom%dxds%Init(interp=interp, & nVar=1, & nElem=nElem) call myGeom%dsdx%Init(interp=interp, & nVar=1, & nElem=nElem) call myGeom%nHat%Init(interp=interp, & nVar=1, & nElem=nElem) call myGeom%nScale%Init(interp=interp, & nVar=1, & nElem=nElem) call myGeom%J%Init(interp=interp, & nVar=1, & nElem=nElem) endsubroutine Init_SEMQuad subroutine Free_SEMQuad(myGeom) implicit none class(SEMQuad),intent(inout) :: myGeom call myGeom%x%Free() call myGeom%dxds%Free() call myGeom%dsdx%Free() call myGeom%nHat%Free() call myGeom%nScale%Free() call myGeom%J%Free() endsubroutine Free_SEMQuad subroutine GenerateFromMesh_SEMQuad(myGeom,mesh) implicit none class(SEMQuad),intent(inout) :: myGeom type(Mesh2D),intent(in) :: mesh ! Local integer :: iel integer :: i,j type(Lagrange),target :: meshToModel type(Vector2D) :: xMesh call meshToModel%Init(mesh%nGeo, & mesh%quadrature, & myGeom%x%interp%N, & myGeom%x%interp%controlNodeType) call xMesh%Init(meshToModel,1,mesh%nElem) ! Set the element internal mesh locations do iel = 1,mesh%nElem do j = 1,mesh%nGeo+1 do i = 1,mesh%nGeo+1 xMesh%interior(i,j,iel,1,1:2) = mesh%nodeCoords(1:2,i,j,iel) enddo enddo enddo call xMesh%GridInterp(myGeom%x%interior) call myGeom%x%UpdateDevice() call myGeom%x%BoundaryInterp() ! Boundary interp will run on GPU if enabled, hence why we close in update host/device call myGeom%x%UpdateHost() call myGeom%CalculateMetricTerms() call xMesh%Free() call meshToModel%Free() endsubroutine GenerateFromMesh_SEMQuad subroutine CalculateContravariantBasis_SEMQuad(myGeom) implicit none class(SEMQuad),intent(inout) :: myGeom ! Local integer :: iEl,i,j,k real(prec) :: fac real(prec) :: mag ! Now calculate the contravariant basis vectors ! In this convention, dsdx(j,i) is contravariant vector i, component j ! To project onto contravariant vector i, dot vector along the first dimension do iEl = 1,myGeom%nElem do j = 1,myGeom%dxds%interp%N+1 do i = 1,myGeom%dxds%interp%N+1 myGeom%dsdx%interior(i,j,iel,1,1,1) = myGeom%dxds%interior(i,j,iel,1,2,2) myGeom%dsdx%interior(i,j,iel,1,2,1) = -myGeom%dxds%interior(i,j,iel,1,1,2) myGeom%dsdx%interior(i,j,iel,1,1,2) = -myGeom%dxds%interior(i,j,iel,1,2,1) myGeom%dsdx%interior(i,j,iel,1,2,2) = myGeom%dxds%interior(i,j,iel,1,1,1) enddo enddo enddo ! Interpolate the contravariant tensor to the boundaries call myGeom%dsdx%BoundaryInterp() ! Tensor boundary interp is not offloaded ! Now, modify the sign of dsdx so that ! myGeom % dsdx % boundary is equal to the outward pointing normal vector do iEl = 1,myGeom%nElem do k = 1,4 do i = 1,myGeom%J%interp%N+1 if(k == selfSide2D_East .or. k == selfSide2D_North) then fac = sign(1.0_prec,myGeom%J%boundary(i,k,iEl,1)) else fac = -sign(1.0_prec,myGeom%J%boundary(i,k,iEl,1)) endif if(k == 1) then ! South mag = sqrt(myGeom%dsdx%boundary(i,k,iEl,1,1,2)**2+ & myGeom%dsdx%boundary(i,k,iEl,1,2,2)**2) myGeom%nScale%boundary(i,k,iEl,1) = mag myGeom%nHat%boundary(i,k,iEl,1,1:2) = & fac*myGeom%dsdx%boundary(i,k,iEl,1,1:2,2)/mag elseif(k == 2) then ! East mag = sqrt(myGeom%dsdx%boundary(i,k,iEl,1,1,1)**2+ & myGeom%dsdx%boundary(i,k,iEl,1,2,1)**2) myGeom%nScale%boundary(i,k,iEl,1) = mag myGeom%nHat%boundary(i,k,iEl,1,1:2) = & fac*myGeom%dsdx%boundary(i,k,iEl,1,1:2,1)/mag elseif(k == 3) then ! North mag = sqrt(myGeom%dsdx%boundary(i,k,iEl,1,1,2)**2+ & myGeom%dsdx%boundary(i,k,iEl,1,2,2)**2) myGeom%nScale%boundary(i,k,iEl,1) = mag myGeom%nHat%boundary(i,k,iEl,1,1:2) = & fac*myGeom%dsdx%boundary(i,k,iEl,1,1:2,2)/mag elseif(k == 4) then ! West mag = sqrt(myGeom%dsdx%boundary(i,k,iEl,1,1,1)**2+ & myGeom%dsdx%boundary(i,k,iEl,1,2,1)**2) myGeom%nScale%boundary(i,k,iEl,1) = mag myGeom%nHat%boundary(i,k,iEl,1,1:2) = & fac*myGeom%dsdx%boundary(i,k,iEl,1,1:2,1)/mag endif ! Set the directionality for dsdx on the boundaries myGeom%dsdx%boundary(i,k,iEl,1,1:2,1:2) = & myGeom%dsdx%boundary(i,k,iEl,1,1:2,1:2)*fac enddo enddo enddo call myGeom%dsdx%UpdateDevice() call myGeom%nHat%UpdateDevice() call myGeom%nScale%UpdateDevice() endsubroutine CalculateContravariantBasis_SEMQuad subroutine CalculateMetricTerms_SEMQuad(myGeom) implicit none class(SEMQuad),intent(inout) :: myGeom call myGeom%x%Gradient(myGeom%dxds%interior) call myGeom%dxds%BoundaryInterp() ! Tensor boundary interp is not offloaded to GPU call myGeom%dxds%UpdateDevice() call myGeom%dxds%Determinant(myGeom%J%interior) call myGeom%J%UpdateDevice() call myGeom%J%BoundaryInterp() call myGeom%J%UpdateHost() call myGeom%CalculateContravariantBasis() endsubroutine CalculateMetricTerms_SEMQuad subroutine WriteTecplot_SEMQuad(this,filename) implicit none class(SEMQuad),intent(inout) :: this character(*),intent(in) :: filename ! Local character(8) :: zoneID integer :: fUnit integer :: iEl,i,j,iVar character(LEN=self_TecplotHeaderLength) :: tecHeader character(LEN=self_FormatLength) :: fmat open(UNIT=NEWUNIT(fUnit), & FILE=trim(filename), & FORM='formatted', & STATUS='replace') tecHeader = 'VARIABLES = "X", "Y", "eID"' write(fUnit,*) trim(tecHeader) ! Create format statement write(fmat,*) 3 fmat = '('//trim(fmat)//'(ES16.7E3,1x))' do iEl = 1,this%x%nElem ! TO DO :: Get the global element ID write(zoneID,'(I8.8)') iEl write(fUnit,*) 'ZONE T="el'//trim(zoneID)//'", I=',this%x%interp%N+1, & ', J=',this%x%interp%N+1 do j = 1,this%x%interp%N+1 do i = 1,this%x%interp%N+1 write(fUnit,fmat) this%x%interior(i,j,iEl,1,1), & this%x%interior(i,j,iEl,1,2),real(iEl,prec) enddo enddo enddo close(UNIT=fUnit) endsubroutine WriteTecplot_SEMQuad endmodule SELF_Geometry_2D