! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! ! ! Maintainers : support@fluidnumerics.com ! Official Repository : https://github.com/FluidNumerics/self/ ! ! Copyright © 2024 Fluid Numerics LLC ! ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ! ! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ! ! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ! the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ! ! 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from ! this software without specific prior written permission. ! ! THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS “AS IS” AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ! LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ! HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ! LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ! THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ! THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ! ! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! module SELF_Model use SELF_SupportRoutines use SELF_Metadata use SELF_HDF5 use HDF5 use FEQParse #include "SELF_Macros.h" implicit none ! //////////////////////////////////////////////// ! ! Time integration parameters ! Runge-Kutta 2nd Order (Low Storage) real(prec),parameter :: rk2_a(1:2) = (/0.0_prec,-0.5_prec/) real(prec),parameter :: rk2_b(1:2) = (/0.5_prec,0.5_prec/) real(prec),parameter :: rk2_g(1:2) = (/0.5_prec,1.0_prec/) ! Williamson's Runge-Kutta 3rd Order (Low Storage) real(prec),parameter :: rk3_a(1:3) = (/0.0_prec,-5.0_prec/9.0_prec,-153.0_prec/128.0_prec/) real(prec),parameter :: rk3_b(1:3) = (/0.0_prec,1.0_prec/3.0_prec,3.0_prec/4.0_prec/) real(prec),parameter :: rk3_g(1:3) = (/1.0_prec/3.0_prec,15.0_prec/16.0_prec,8.0_prec/15.0_prec/) ! Carpenter-Kennedy Runge-Kuttta 4th Order (Low Storage) real(prec),parameter :: rk4_a(1:5) = (/0.0_prec, & -1.0_prec, & -1.0_prec/3.0_prec+ & 2.0_prec**(2.0_prec/3.0_prec)/6.0_prec, & -2.0_prec**(1.0_prec/3.0_prec)- & 2.0_prec**(2.0_prec/3.0_prec)-2.0_prec, & -1.0_prec+2.0_prec**(1.0_prec/3.0_prec)/) real(prec),parameter :: rk4_b(1:5) = (/ & 0.0_prec, & 2.0_prec/3.0_prec+2.0_prec**(1.0_prec/3.0_prec)/3.0_prec+ & 2.0_prec**(2.0_prec/3.0_prec)/6.0_prec, & 2.0_prec/3.0_prec+2.0_prec**(1.0_prec/3.0_prec)/3.0_prec+ & 2.0_prec**(2.0_prec/3.0_prec)/6.0_prec, & 1.0_prec/3.0_prec-2.0_prec**(1.0_prec/3.0_prec)/3.0_prec- & 2.0_prec**(2.0_prec/3.0_prec)/6.0_prec, & 1.0_prec/) real(prec),parameter :: rk4_g(1:5) = (/ & 2.0_prec/3.0_prec+2.0_prec**(1.0_prec/3.0_prec)/3.0_prec+ & 2.0_prec**(2.0_prec/3.0_prec)/6.0_prec, & -2.0_prec**(2.0_prec/3.0_prec)/6.0_prec+1.0_prec/6.0_prec, & -1.0_prec/3.0_prec-2.0_prec*2.0_prec**(1.0_prec/3.0_prec)/3.0_prec- & 2.0_prec**(2.0_prec/3.0_prec)/3.0_prec, & 1.0_prec/3.0_prec-2.0_prec**(1.0_prec/3.0_prec)/3.0_prec- & 2.0_prec**(2.0_prec/3.0_prec)/6.0_prec, & 1.0_prec/3.0_prec+2.0_prec**(1.0_prec/3.0_prec)/6.0_prec+ & 2.0_prec**(2.0_prec/3.0_prec)/12.0_prec/) ! integer,parameter :: SELF_EULER = 100 integer,parameter :: SELF_RK2 = 200 integer,parameter :: SELF_RK3 = 300 integer,parameter :: SELF_RK4 = 400 ! integer,parameter :: SELF_AB2 = 201 ! integer,parameter :: SELF_AB3 = 301 ! integer,parameter :: SELF_AB4 = 401 integer,parameter :: SELF_INTEGRATOR_LENGTH = 10 ! max length of integrator methods when specified as char integer,parameter :: SELF_EQUATION_LENGTH = 500 ! //////////////////////////////////////////////// ! ! Model Formulations ! integer,parameter :: SELF_FORMULATION_LENGTH = 30 ! max length of integrator methods when specified as char type,abstract :: Model ! Time integration attributes procedure(SELF_timeIntegrator),pointer :: timeIntegrator => Euler_timeIntegrator real(prec) :: dt real(prec) :: t integer :: ioIterate = 0 logical :: gradient_enabled = .false. logical :: prescribed_bcs_enabled = .true. logical :: tecplot_enabled = .true. integer :: nvar ! Standard Diagnostics real(prec) :: entropy ! Mathematical entropy function for the model contains procedure :: IncrementIOCounter procedure :: PrintType => PrintType_Model procedure :: SetNumberOfVariables => SetNumberOfVariables_Model procedure :: AdditionalInit => AdditionalInit_Model procedure :: AdditionalFree => AdditionalFree_Model procedure :: AdditionalOutput => AdditionalOutput_Model procedure :: ForwardStep => ForwardStep_Model procedure :: Euler_timeIntegrator ! Runge-Kutta methods procedure :: LowStorageRK2_timeIntegrator procedure(UpdateGRK),deferred :: UpdateGRK2 procedure :: LowStorageRK3_timeIntegrator procedure(UpdateGRK),deferred :: UpdateGRK3 procedure :: LowStorageRK4_timeIntegrator procedure(UpdateGRK),deferred :: UpdateGRK4 procedure :: PreTendency => PreTendency_Model procedure :: entropy_func => entropy_func_Model procedure :: flux1D => flux1d_Model procedure :: flux2D => flux2d_Model procedure :: flux3D => flux3d_Model procedure :: riemannflux1d => riemannflux1d_Model procedure :: riemannflux2d => riemannflux2d_Model procedure :: riemannflux3d => riemannflux3d_Model procedure :: source1d => source1d_Model procedure :: source2d => source2d_Model procedure :: source3d => source3d_Model ! Boundary condition functions (hyperbolic) procedure :: hbc1d_Prescribed => hbc1d_Prescribed_Model procedure :: hbc1d_Radiation => hbc1d_Generic_Model procedure :: hbc1d_NoNormalFlow => hbc1d_Generic_Model procedure :: hbc2d_Prescribed => hbc2d_Prescribed_Model procedure :: hbc2d_Radiation => hbc2d_Generic_Model procedure :: hbc2d_NoNormalFlow => hbc2d_Generic_Model procedure :: hbc3d_Prescribed => hbc3d_Prescribed_Model procedure :: hbc3d_Radiation => hbc3d_Generic_Model procedure :: hbc3d_NoNormalFlow => hbc3d_Generic_Model ! Boundary condition functions (parabolic) procedure :: pbc1d_Prescribed => pbc1d_Prescribed_Model procedure :: pbc1d_Radiation => pbc1d_Generic_Model procedure :: pbc1d_NoNormalFlow => pbc1d_Generic_Model procedure :: pbc2d_Prescribed => pbc2d_Prescribed_Model procedure :: pbc2d_Radiation => pbc2d_Generic_Model procedure :: pbc2d_NoNormalFlow => pbc2d_Generic_Model procedure :: pbc3d_Prescribed => pbc3d_Prescribed_Model procedure :: pbc3d_Radiation => pbc3d_Generic_Model procedure :: pbc3d_NoNormalFlow => pbc3d_Generic_Model procedure :: ReportEntropy => ReportEntropy_Model procedure :: ReportMetrics => ReportMetrics_Model procedure :: ReportUserMetrics => ReportUserMetrics_Model procedure :: CalculateEntropy => CalculateEntropy_Model procedure(UpdateSolution),deferred :: UpdateSolution procedure(CalculateTendency),deferred :: CalculateTendency procedure(ReadModel),deferred :: ReadModel procedure(WriteModel),deferred :: WriteModel procedure(WriteTecplot),deferred :: WriteTecplot generic :: SetTimeIntegrator => SetTimeIntegrator_withChar procedure,private :: SetTimeIntegrator_withChar procedure :: SetSimulationTime procedure :: GetSimulationTime endtype Model interface subroutine SELF_timeIntegrator(this,tn) use SELF_Constants,only:prec import Model implicit none class(Model),intent(inout) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: tn endsubroutine SELF_timeIntegrator endinterface interface subroutine UpdateGRK(this,m) import Model implicit none class(Model),intent(inout) :: this integer,intent(in) :: m endsubroutine UpdateGRK endinterface interface subroutine UpdateSolution(this,dt) use SELF_Constants,only:prec import Model implicit none class(Model),intent(inout) :: this real(prec),optional,intent(in) :: dt endsubroutine UpdateSolution endinterface interface subroutine CalculateTendency(this) import Model implicit none class(Model),intent(inout) :: this endsubroutine CalculateTendency endinterface interface subroutine WriteModel(this,filename) import Model implicit none class(Model),intent(inout) :: this character(*),intent(in),optional :: filename endsubroutine WriteModel endinterface interface subroutine ReadModel(this,filename) import Model implicit none class(Model),intent(inout) :: this character(*),intent(in) :: filename endsubroutine ReadModel endinterface interface subroutine WriteTecplot(this,filename) import Model implicit none class(Model),intent(inout) :: this character(*),intent(in),optional :: filename endsubroutine WriteTecplot endinterface contains subroutine IncrementIOCounter(this) implicit none class(Model),intent(inout) :: this ! Increment the ioIterate this%ioIterate = this%ioIterate+1 endsubroutine IncrementIOCounter subroutine SetNumberOfVariables_Model(this) implicit none class(Model),intent(inout) :: this this%nvar = 1 endsubroutine SetNumberOfVariables_Model subroutine AdditionalInit_Model(this) implicit none class(Model),intent(inout) :: this return endsubroutine AdditionalInit_Model subroutine AdditionalFree_Model(this) implicit none class(Model),intent(inout) :: this return endsubroutine AdditionalFree_Model subroutine AdditionalOutput_Model(this,fileid) implicit none class(Model),intent(inout) :: this integer(HID_T),intent(in) :: fileid return endsubroutine AdditionalOutput_Model subroutine PrintType_Model(this) implicit none class(Model),intent(in) :: this print*,__FILE__//" : Model : No model type" endsubroutine PrintType_Model subroutine PreTendency_Model(this) !! PreTendency is a template routine that is used to house any additional calculations !! that you want to execute at the beginning of the tendency calculation routine. !! This default PreTendency simply returns back to the caller without executing any instructions !! !! The intention is to provide a method that can be overridden through type-extension, to handle !! any steps that need to be executed before proceeding with the usual tendency calculation methods. !! implicit none class(Model),intent(inout) :: this return endsubroutine PreTendency_Model pure function entropy_func_Model(this,s) result(e) class(Model),intent(in) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: s(1:this%nvar) real(prec) :: e e = 0.0_prec endfunction entropy_func_Model pure function riemannflux1d_Model(this,sL,sR,dsdx,nhat) result(flux) class(Model),intent(in) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: sL(1:this%nvar) real(prec),intent(in) :: sR(1:this%nvar) real(prec),intent(in) :: dsdx(1:this%nvar) real(prec),intent(in) :: nhat real(prec) :: flux(1:this%nvar) ! Local integer :: ivar do ivar = 1,this%nvar flux(ivar) = 0.0_prec enddo endfunction riemannflux1d_Model pure function riemannflux2d_Model(this,sL,sR,dsdx,nhat) result(flux) class(Model),intent(in) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: sL(1:this%nvar) real(prec),intent(in) :: sR(1:this%nvar) real(prec),intent(in) :: dsdx(1:this%nvar,1:2) real(prec),intent(in) :: nhat(1:2) real(prec) :: flux(1:this%nvar) ! Local integer :: ivar do ivar = 1,this%nvar flux(ivar) = 0.0_prec enddo endfunction riemannflux2d_Model pure function riemannflux3d_Model(this,sL,sR,dsdx,nhat) result(flux) class(Model),intent(in) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: sL(1:this%nvar) real(prec),intent(in) :: sR(1:this%nvar) real(prec),intent(in) :: dsdx(1:this%nvar,1:3) real(prec),intent(in) :: nhat(1:3) real(prec) :: flux(1:this%nvar) ! Local integer :: ivar do ivar = 1,this%nvar flux(ivar) = 0.0_prec enddo endfunction riemannflux3d_Model pure function flux1d_Model(this,s,dsdx) result(flux) class(Model),intent(in) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: s(1:this%nvar) real(prec),intent(in) :: dsdx(1:this%nvar) real(prec) :: flux(1:this%nvar) ! Local integer :: ivar do ivar = 1,this%nvar flux(ivar) = 0.0_prec enddo endfunction flux1d_Model pure function flux2d_Model(this,s,dsdx) result(flux) class(Model),intent(in) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: s(1:this%nvar) real(prec),intent(in) :: dsdx(1:this%nvar,1:2) real(prec) :: flux(1:this%nvar,1:2) ! Local integer :: ivar do ivar = 1,this%nvar flux(ivar,1:2) = 0.0_prec enddo endfunction flux2d_Model pure function flux3d_Model(this,s,dsdx) result(flux) class(Model),intent(in) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: s(1:this%nvar) real(prec),intent(in) :: dsdx(1:this%nvar,1:3) real(prec) :: flux(1:this%nvar,1:3) ! Local integer :: ivar do ivar = 1,this%nvar flux(ivar,1:3) = 0.0_prec enddo endfunction flux3d_Model pure function source1d_Model(this,s,dsdx) result(source) class(Model),intent(in) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: s(1:this%nvar) real(prec),intent(in) :: dsdx(1:this%nvar) real(prec) :: source(1:this%nvar) ! Local integer :: ivar do ivar = 1,this%nvar source(ivar) = 0.0_prec enddo endfunction source1d_Model pure function source2d_Model(this,s,dsdx) result(source) class(Model),intent(in) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: s(1:this%nvar) real(prec),intent(in) :: dsdx(1:this%nvar,1:2) real(prec) :: source(1:this%nvar) ! Local integer :: ivar do ivar = 1,this%nvar source(ivar) = 0.0_prec enddo endfunction source2d_Model pure function source3d_Model(this,s,dsdx) result(source) class(Model),intent(in) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: s(1:this%nvar) real(prec),intent(in) :: dsdx(1:this%nvar,1:3) real(prec) :: source(1:this%nvar) ! Local integer :: ivar do ivar = 1,this%nvar source(ivar) = 0.0_prec enddo endfunction source3d_Model pure function hbc1d_Generic_Model(this,s,nhat) result(exts) class(Model),intent(in) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: s(1:this%nvar) real(prec),intent(in) :: nhat real(prec) :: exts(1:this%nvar) ! Local integer :: ivar do ivar = 1,this%nvar exts(ivar) = 0.0_prec enddo endfunction hbc1d_Generic_Model pure function hbc1d_Prescribed_Model(this,x,t) result(exts) class(Model),intent(in) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: x real(prec),intent(in) :: t real(prec) :: exts(1:this%nvar) ! Local integer :: ivar do ivar = 1,this%nvar exts(ivar) = 0.0_prec enddo endfunction hbc1d_Prescribed_Model pure function hbc2d_Generic_Model(this,s,nhat) result(exts) class(Model),intent(in) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: s(1:this%nvar) real(prec),intent(in) :: nhat(1:2) real(prec) :: exts(1:this%nvar) ! Local integer :: ivar do ivar = 1,this%nvar exts(ivar) = 0.0_prec enddo endfunction hbc2d_Generic_Model pure function hbc2d_Prescribed_Model(this,x,t) result(exts) class(Model),intent(in) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: x(1:2) real(prec),intent(in) :: t real(prec) :: exts(1:this%nvar) ! Local integer :: ivar do ivar = 1,this%nvar exts(ivar) = 0.0_prec enddo endfunction hbc2d_Prescribed_Model pure function hbc3d_Generic_Model(this,s,nhat) result(exts) class(Model),intent(in) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: s(1:this%nvar) real(prec),intent(in) :: nhat(1:3) real(prec) :: exts(1:this%nvar) ! Local integer :: ivar do ivar = 1,this%nvar exts(ivar) = 0.0_prec enddo endfunction hbc3d_Generic_Model pure function hbc3d_Prescribed_Model(this,x,t) result(exts) class(Model),intent(in) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: x(1:3) real(prec),intent(in) :: t real(prec) :: exts(1:this%nvar) ! Local integer :: ivar do ivar = 1,this%nvar exts(ivar) = 0.0_prec enddo endfunction hbc3d_Prescribed_Model pure function pbc1d_Generic_Model(this,dsdx,nhat) result(extDsdx) class(Model),intent(in) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: dsdx(1:this%nvar) real(prec),intent(in) :: nhat real(prec) :: extDsdx(1:this%nvar) ! Local integer :: ivar do ivar = 1,this%nvar extDsdx(ivar) = dsdx(ivar) enddo endfunction pbc1d_Generic_Model pure function pbc1d_Prescribed_Model(this,x,t) result(extDsdx) class(Model),intent(in) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: x real(prec),intent(in) :: t real(prec) :: extDsdx(1:this%nvar) ! Local integer :: ivar do ivar = 1,this%nvar extDsdx(ivar) = 0.0_prec enddo endfunction pbc1d_Prescribed_Model pure function pbc2d_Generic_Model(this,dsdx,nhat) result(extDsdx) class(Model),intent(in) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: dsdx(1:this%nvar,1:2) real(prec),intent(in) :: nhat(1:2) real(prec) :: extDsdx(1:this%nvar,1:2) ! Local integer :: ivar do ivar = 1,this%nvar extDsdx(ivar,1:2) = dsdx(ivar,1:2) enddo endfunction pbc2d_Generic_Model pure function pbc2d_Prescribed_Model(this,x,t) result(extDsdx) class(Model),intent(in) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: x(1:2) real(prec),intent(in) :: t real(prec) :: extDsdx(1:this%nvar,1:2) ! Local integer :: ivar do ivar = 1,this%nvar extDsdx(ivar,1:2) = 0.0_prec enddo endfunction pbc2d_Prescribed_Model pure function pbc3d_Generic_Model(this,dsdx,nhat) result(extDsdx) class(Model),intent(in) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: dsdx(1:this%nvar,1:3) real(prec),intent(in) :: nhat(1:3) real(prec) :: extDsdx(1:this%nvar,1:3) ! Local integer :: ivar do ivar = 1,this%nvar extDsdx(ivar,1:3) = dsdx(ivar,1:3) enddo endfunction pbc3d_Generic_Model pure function pbc3d_Prescribed_Model(this,x,t) result(extDsdx) class(Model),intent(in) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: x(1:3) real(prec),intent(in) :: t real(prec) :: extDsdx(1:this%nvar,1:3) ! Local integer :: ivar do ivar = 1,this%nvar extDsdx(ivar,1:3) = 0.0_prec enddo endfunction pbc3d_Prescribed_Model subroutine SetTimeIntegrator_withChar(this,integrator) !! Sets the time integrator method, using a character input !! !! Valid options for integrator are !! !! "euler" !! "rk2" !! "rk3" !! "rk4" !! !! Note that the character provided is not case-sensitive !! implicit none class(Model),intent(inout) :: this character(*),intent(in) :: integrator ! Local character(SELF_INTEGRATOR_LENGTH) :: upperCaseInt upperCaseInt = UpperCase(trim(integrator)) select case(trim(upperCaseInt)) case("EULER") this%timeIntegrator => Euler_timeIntegrator case("RK2") this%timeIntegrator => LowStorageRK2_timeIntegrator case("RK3") this%timeIntegrator => LowStorageRK3_timeIntegrator case("RK4") this%timeIntegrator => LowStorageRK4_timeIntegrator case DEFAULT this%timeIntegrator => LowStorageRK3_timeIntegrator endselect endsubroutine SetTimeIntegrator_withChar subroutine GetSimulationTime(this,t) !! Returns the current simulation time stored in the model % t attribute implicit none class(Model),intent(in) :: this real(prec),intent(out) :: t t = this%t endsubroutine GetSimulationTime subroutine SetSimulationTime(this,t) !! Sets the model % t attribute with the provided simulation time implicit none class(Model),intent(inout) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: t this%t = t endsubroutine SetSimulationTime subroutine CalculateEntropy_Model(this) !! Base method for calculating entropy of a model !! When this method is not overridden, the entropy !! is simply set to 0.0. When you develop a model !! built on top of this abstract class or one of its !! children, it is recommended that you define a !! convex mathematical entropy function that is used !! as a measure of the model stability. implicit none class(Model),intent(inout) :: this this%entropy = 0.0_prec endsubroutine CalculateEntropy_Model subroutine ReportEntropy_Model(this) !! Base method for reporting the entropy of a model !! to stdout. Only override this procedure if additional !! reporting is needed. Alternatively, if you think !! additional reporting would be valuable for all models, !! open a pull request with modifications to this base !! method. implicit none class(Model),intent(in) :: this ! Local character(len=20) :: modelTime character(len=20) :: entropy character(len=:),allocatable :: str ! Copy the time and entropy to a string write(modelTime,"(ES16.7E3)") this%t write(entropy,"(ES16.7E3)") this%entropy ! Write the output to STDOUT open(output_unit,ENCODING='utf-8') write(output_unit,'(1x,A," : ")',ADVANCE='no') __FILE__ str = 'tᵢ ='//trim(modelTime) write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='no') str str = ' | eᵢ ='//trim(entropy) write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='yes') str endsubroutine ReportEntropy_Model subroutine ReportMetrics_Model(this) !! Method that can be overridden by users to !! report their own custom metrics after file io implicit none class(Model),intent(inout) :: this return endsubroutine ReportMetrics_Model subroutine ReportUserMetrics_Model(this) !! Method that can be overridden by users to !! report their own custom metrics after file io implicit none class(Model),intent(inout) :: this return endsubroutine ReportUserMetrics_Model ! ////////////////////////////////////// ! ! Time Integrators ! subroutine ForwardStep_Model(this,tn,dt,ioInterval) !! Forward steps the model using the associated tendency procedure and time integrator !! !! If the final time is provided, the model is forward stepped to that final time, !! otherwise, the model is forward stepped only a single time step !! !! If a time step is provided through the interface, the model time step size is updated !! and that time step is used to update the model !! !! If ioInterval is provided, file IO will be conducted every ioInterval seconds until tn !! is reached implicit none class(Model),intent(inout) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: tn real(prec),intent(in) :: dt real(prec),intent(in) :: ioInterval ! Local real(prec) :: targetTime,tNext integer :: i,nIO character(10) :: ntimesteps real(prec) :: t1,t2 character(len=:),allocatable :: str character(len=20) :: modelTime this%dt = dt targetTime = tn write(ntimesteps,"(I10)") int(ioInterval/this%dt) nIO = int((targetTime-this%t)/ioInterval) do i = 1,nIO tNext = this%t+ioInterval TIMER(t1) ! See SELF_Macros.h for TIMER selection call this%timeIntegrator(tNext) TIMER(t2) open(output_unit,ENCODING='utf-8') write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='no') ' --------------------------------------------------------' write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='yes') '----------------------------------------------------------------------- ' write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='no') ' <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>' write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='yes') '<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ' write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='no') ' --------------------------------------------------------' write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='yes') '------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' write(modelTime,"(ES16.7E3)") this%t ! Write the wall-time write(output_unit,'(1x, A," : ")',ADVANCE='no') __FILE__ str = 'tᵢ ='//trim(modelTime) write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='no') str str = ' | Time to complete '//trim(ntimesteps)//' time steps (s) : ' write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='no') str write(str,"(ES16.7E3)") t2-t1 write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='yes') str ! Wall-time per time step write(output_unit,'(1x, A," : ")',ADVANCE='no') __FILE__ str = 'tᵢ ='//trim(modelTime) write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='no') str str = ' | Wall-time per time step : ' write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='no') str write(str,"(ES16.7E3)")(t2-t1)/(floor(ioInterval/this%dt)) write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='yes') str ! Wall-time per simulation time write(output_unit,'(1x, A," : ")',ADVANCE='no') __FILE__ str = 'tᵢ ='//trim(modelTime) write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='no') str str = ' | Wall-time per simulation time : ' write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='no') str write(str,"(ES16.7E3)")(t2-t1)/(ioInterval) write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='yes') str this%t = tNext call this%CalculateEntropy() call this%ReportEntropy() call this%ReportMetrics() call this%WriteModel() if(this%tecplot_enabled) then call this%WriteTecplot() endif call this%IncrementIOCounter() enddo endsubroutine ForwardStep_Model subroutine Euler_timeIntegrator(this,tn) implicit none class(Model),intent(inout) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: tn ! Local real(prec) :: tRemain real(prec) :: dtLim dtLim = this%dt ! Get the max time step size from the dt attribute do while(this%t < tn) tRemain = tn-this%t this%dt = min(dtLim,tRemain) call this%CalculateTendency() call this%UpdateSolution() this%t = this%t+this%dt enddo this%dt = dtLim endsubroutine Euler_timeIntegrator subroutine LowStorageRK2_timeIntegrator(this,tn) implicit none class(Model),intent(inout) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: tn ! Local integer :: m real(prec) :: tRemain real(prec) :: dtLim real(prec) :: t0 dtLim = this%dt ! Get the max time step size from the dt attribute do while(this%t < tn) t0 = this%t tRemain = tn-this%t this%dt = min(dtLim,tRemain) do m = 1,2 call this%CalculateTendency() call this%UpdateGRK2(m) this%t = t0+rk2_b(m)*this%dt enddo this%t = t0+this%dt enddo this%dt = dtLim endsubroutine LowStorageRK2_timeIntegrator subroutine LowStorageRK3_timeIntegrator(this,tn) implicit none class(Model),intent(inout) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: tn ! Local integer :: m real(prec) :: tRemain real(prec) :: dtLim real(prec) :: t0 dtLim = this%dt ! Get the max time step size from the dt attribute do while(this%t < tn) t0 = this%t tRemain = tn-this%t this%dt = min(dtLim,tRemain) do m = 1,3 call this%CalculateTendency() call this%UpdateGRK3(m) this%t = t0+rk3_b(m)*this%dt enddo this%t = t0+this%dt enddo this%dt = dtLim endsubroutine LowStorageRK3_timeIntegrator subroutine LowStorageRK4_timeIntegrator(this,tn) implicit none class(Model),intent(inout) :: this real(prec),intent(in) :: tn ! Local integer :: m real(prec) :: tRemain real(prec) :: dtLim real(prec) :: t0 dtLim = this%dt ! Get the max time step size from the dt attribute do while(this%t < tn) t0 = this%t tRemain = tn-this%t this%dt = min(dtLim,tRemain) do m = 1,5 call this%CalculateTendency() call this%UpdateGRK4(m) this%t = t0+rk4_b(m)*this%dt enddo this%t = t0+this%dt enddo this%dt = dtLim endsubroutine LowStorageRK4_timeIntegrator endmodule SELF_Model