DiagnoseGeostrophicVelocity_LinearShallowWater2D_t Subroutine

public subroutine DiagnoseGeostrophicVelocity_LinearShallowWater2D_t(this)


class(LinearShallowWater2D_t), intent(inout) :: this


Source Code

  subroutine DiagnoseGeostrophicVelocity_LinearShallowWater2D_t(this)
    implicit none
    class(LinearShallowWater2D_t),intent(inout) :: this
    ! Local
    integer :: iel
    integer :: i
    integer :: j
    real(prec) :: dpdx,dpdy,f

    ! We assume here that the velocity field is identically zero
    ! everywhere and the only field that is set is the free surface height
    ! with a non-zero coriolis parameter.
    ! In this case, we have that the tendency calculation will give
    ! the gradient in the free surface, consistent with the DG approximation
    this%solution%interior(:,:,:,1) = 0.0_prec ! Set u=0
    this%solution%interior(:,:,:,2) = 0.0_prec ! Set v=0
    call this%solution%UpdateDevice()
    call this%CalculateTendency()
    call this%dSdt%UpdateHost()

    do concurrent(i=1:this%solution%N+1,j=1:this%solution%N+1, &

      dpdx = -this%dSdt%interior(i,j,iel,1)
      dpdy = -this%dSdt%interior(i,j,iel,2)
      f = this%fCori%interior(i,j,iel,1)
      this%solution%interior(i,j,iel,1) = -dpdy/f ! u
      this%solution%interior(i,j,iel,2) = dpdx/f ! v

    call this%solution%UpdateDevice()

  endsubroutine DiagnoseGeostrophicVelocity_LinearShallowWater2D_t