ForwardStep_Model Subroutine

public subroutine ForwardStep_Model(this, tn, dt, ioInterval)

Forward steps the model using the associated tendency procedure and time integrator

If the final time is provided, the model is forward stepped to that final time, otherwise, the model is forward stepped only a single time step

If a time step is provided through the interface, the model time step size is updated and that time step is used to update the model

If ioInterval is provided, file IO will be conducted every ioInterval seconds until tn is reached


class(Model), intent(inout) :: this
real(kind=prec), intent(in) :: tn
real(kind=prec), intent(in) :: dt
real(kind=prec), intent(in) :: ioInterval


proc~~forwardstep_model~~CallsGraph proc~forwardstep_model ForwardStep_Model timer timer proc~forwardstep_model->timer


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine ForwardStep_Model(this,tn,dt,ioInterval)
  !!  Forward steps the model using the associated tendency procedure and time integrator
  !!  If the final time  is provided, the model is forward stepped to that final time,
  !!  otherwise, the model is forward stepped only a single time step
  !!  If a time step is provided through the interface, the model time step size is updated
  !!  and that time step is used to update the model
  !! If ioInterval is provided, file IO will be conducted every ioInterval seconds until tn
  !! is reached
    implicit none
    class(Model),intent(inout) :: this
    real(prec),intent(in) :: tn
    real(prec),intent(in) :: dt
    real(prec),intent(in) :: ioInterval
    ! Local
    real(prec) :: targetTime,tNext
    integer :: i,nIO
    character(10) :: ntimesteps
    real(prec) :: t1,t2
    character(len=:),allocatable :: str
    character(len=20) :: modelTime

    this%dt = dt
    targetTime = tn

    write(ntimesteps,"(I10)") int(ioInterval/this%dt)
    nIO = int((targetTime-this%t)/ioInterval)
    do i = 1,nIO

      tNext = this%t+ioInterval

      TIMER(t1) ! See SELF_Macros.h for TIMER selection
      call this%timeIntegrator(tNext)

      write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='no') ' --------------------------------------------------------'
      write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='yes') '----------------------------------------------------------------------- '
      write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='no') ' <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>'
      write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='yes') '<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> '
      write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='no') ' --------------------------------------------------------'
      write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='yes') '------------------------------------------------------------------------ '
      write(modelTime,"(ES16.7E3)") this%t
      ! Write the wall-time
      write(output_unit,'(1x, A," : ")',ADVANCE='no') __FILE__
      str = 'tᵢ ='//trim(modelTime)
      write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='no') str
      str = '  | Time to complete '//trim(ntimesteps)//' time steps (s) : '
      write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='no') str
      write(str,"(ES16.7E3)") t2-t1
      write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='yes') str

      ! Wall-time per time step
      write(output_unit,'(1x, A," : ")',ADVANCE='no') __FILE__
      str = 'tᵢ ='//trim(modelTime)
      write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='no') str
      str = '  | Wall-time per time step : '
      write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='no') str
      write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='yes') str

      ! Wall-time per simulation time
      write(output_unit,'(1x, A," : ")',ADVANCE='no') __FILE__
      str = 'tᵢ ='//trim(modelTime)
      write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='no') str
      str = '  | Wall-time per simulation time : '
      write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='no') str
      write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='yes') str

      this%t = tNext

      call this%CalculateEntropy()
      call this%ReportEntropy()
      call this%ReportMetrics()

      call this%WriteModel()
      if(this%tecplot_enabled) then
        call this%WriteTecplot()
      call this%IncrementIOCounter()


  endsubroutine ForwardStep_Model