Base method for reporting the entropy of a model to stdout. Only override this procedure if additional reporting is needed. Alternatively, if you think additional reporting would be valuable for all models, open a pull request with modifications to this base method.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(Model), | intent(in) | :: | this |
subroutine ReportEntropy_Model(this)
!! Base method for reporting the entropy of a model
!! to stdout. Only override this procedure if additional
!! reporting is needed. Alternatively, if you think
!! additional reporting would be valuable for all models,
!! open a pull request with modifications to this base
!! method.
implicit none
class(Model),intent(in) :: this
! Local
character(len=20) :: modelTime
character(len=20) :: entropy
character(len=:),allocatable :: str
! Copy the time and entropy to a string
write(modelTime,"(ES16.7E3)") this%t
write(entropy,"(ES16.7E3)") this%entropy
! Write the output to STDOUT
write(output_unit,'(1x,A," : ")',ADVANCE='no') __FILE__
str = 'tᵢ ='//trim(modelTime)
write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='no') str
str = ' | eᵢ ='//trim(entropy)
write(output_unit,'(A)',ADVANCE='yes') str
endsubroutine ReportEntropy_Model