Create a structured mesh and store it in SELF's unstructured mesh format. The mesh is created in tiles of size (tnx,tny,tnz). Tiling is used to determine the element ordering.
Input - this : Fresh/empty mesh2d_t object - nxPerTile : The number of elements in the x direction within a tile - nyPerTile : The number of elements in the y direction within a tile - nzPerTile : The number of elements in the z direction within a tile - nTileX : The number of tiles in the x direction - nTileY : The number of tiles in the y direction - nTileZ : The number of tiles in the z direction - dx : Element width in the x-direction - dy : Element width in the y-direction - dz : Element width in the z-direction - bcids(1:6) : Boundary condition flags for the south, east, north, and west sides of the domain - enableDomainDecomposition : Boolean to determine if domain decomposition is used.
Output - this : mesh2d_t object with vertices, faces, and element information
Total number of elements in the x-direction is nX = nxPerTilenTileX Total number of elements in the y-direction is nY = nyPerTilenTileY
Length of the domain in the x-direction is Lx = dxnX Length of the domain in the y-direction is Ly = dynY
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(Mesh3D_t), | intent(out) | :: | this | |||
integer, | intent(in) | :: | nxPerTile | |||
integer, | intent(in) | :: | nyPerTile | |||
integer, | intent(in) | :: | nzPerTile | |||
integer, | intent(in) | :: | nTileX | |||
integer, | intent(in) | :: | nTileY | |||
integer, | intent(in) | :: | nTileZ | |||
real(kind=prec), | intent(in) | :: | dx | |||
real(kind=prec), | intent(in) | :: | dy | |||
real(kind=prec), | intent(in) | :: | dz | |||
integer, | intent(in) | :: | bcids(1:6) |
subroutine UniformStructuredMesh_Mesh3D_t(this,nxPerTile,nyPerTile,nzPerTile, &
!! Create a structured mesh and store it in SELF's unstructured mesh format.
!! The mesh is created in tiles of size (tnx,tny,tnz). Tiling is used to determine
!! the element ordering.
!! Input
!! - this : Fresh/empty mesh2d_t object
!! - nxPerTile : The number of elements in the x direction within a tile
!! - nyPerTile : The number of elements in the y direction within a tile
!! - nzPerTile : The number of elements in the z direction within a tile
!! - nTileX : The number of tiles in the x direction
!! - nTileY : The number of tiles in the y direction
!! - nTileZ : The number of tiles in the z direction
!! - dx : Element width in the x-direction
!! - dy : Element width in the y-direction
!! - dz : Element width in the z-direction
!! - bcids(1:6) : Boundary condition flags for the south, east, north, and west sides of the domain
!! - enableDomainDecomposition : Boolean to determine if domain decomposition is used.
!! Output
!! - this : mesh2d_t object with vertices, faces, and element information
!! Total number of elements in the x-direction is nX = nxPerTile*nTileX
!! Total number of elements in the y-direction is nY = nyPerTile*nTileY
!! Length of the domain in the x-direction is Lx = dx*nX
!! Length of the domain in the y-direction is Ly = dy*nY
implicit none
class(Mesh3D_t),intent(out) :: this
integer,intent(in) :: nxPerTile
integer,intent(in) :: nyPerTile
integer,intent(in) :: nzPerTile
integer,intent(in) :: nTileX
integer,intent(in) :: nTileY
integer,intent(in) :: nTileZ
real(prec),intent(in) :: dx
real(prec),intent(in) :: dy
real(prec),intent(in) :: dz
integer,intent(in) :: bcids(1:6)
! Local
integer :: nX,nY,nZ,nGeo,nBCs
integer :: nGlobalElem
integer :: nUniqueSides
integer :: nUniqueNodes
integer :: nLocalElems
integer :: nLocalSides
integer :: nLocalNodes
real(prec),allocatable :: nodeCoords(:,:,:,:,:)
integer,allocatable :: globalNodeIDs(:,:,:,:)
integer,allocatable :: sideInfo(:,:,:)
integer :: i,j,k,ti,tj,tk
integer :: ix,iy,iz,iel
integer :: ni,nj,nk
integer :: e1,e2,s1,s2
integer :: nfaces
call this%decomp%init()
nX = nTileX*nxPerTile
nY = nTileY*nyPerTile
nZ = nTileZ*nzPerTile
nGeo = 1 ! Force the geometry to be linear
nBCs = 6 ! Force the number of boundary conditions to 4
nGlobalElem = nX*nY*nZ
nUniqueSides = (nX+1)*nY*nZ+(nY+1)*nX*nZ+(nZ+1)*nX*nY
nUniqueNodes = (nX+1)*(nY+1)*(nZ+1)
do tk = 1,nTileZ
do tj = 1,nTileY
do ti = 1,nTileX
do k = 1,nzPerTile
iz = k+nzPerTile*(tk-1)
do j = 1,nyPerTile
iy = j+nyPerTile*(tj-1)
do i = 1,nxPerTile
iel = elementid(i,j,k,ti,tj,tk, &
nxpertile,nypertile,nzpertile, &
ix = i+nxPerTile*(ti-1)
do nk = 1,nGeo+1
do nj = 1,nGeo+1
do ni = 1,nGeo+1
nodeCoords(1,ni,nj,nk,iel) = real(ni-1+ix-1,prec)*dx
nodeCoords(2,ni,nj,nk,iel) = real(nj-1+iy-1,prec)*dy
nodeCoords(3,ni,nj,nk,iel) = real(nk-1+iz-1,prec)*dz
globalNodeIDs(ni,nj,nk,iel) = ni-1+i+(nxPerTile+1)*( &
nj-1+j-1+(nyPerTile+1)*( &
nk-1+k-1+(nzPerTile+1)*( &
(ti-1+nTileX*( &
! Fill in face information
! sideInfo(1:5,iSide,iEl)
! 1 - Side Type (currently unused in SELF)
! 2 - Global Side ID (Used for message passing)
! 3 - Neighbor Element ID
! 4 - 10*( neighbor local side ) + flip
! 5 - Boundary Condition ID
nfaces = 0
do tk = 1,nTileZ
do tj = 1,nTileY
do ti = 1,nTileX
do k = 1,nzPerTile
do j = 1,nyPerTile
do i = 1,nxPerTile
iel = elementid(i,j,k,ti,tj,tk, &
nxpertile,nypertile,nzpertile, &
! bottom, iside=1
s1 = 1
s2 = 6
if(k == 1) then ! bottom most part of the tile
if(tk == 1) then ! bottom most tile
nfaces = nfaces+1
sideinfo(2,s1,iel) = nfaces
sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = 0 ! Neigbor element (null, boundary condition)
sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 0 ! Neighbor side id (null, boundary condition)
sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = bcids(s1) ! Boundary condition id; set from the user input
else ! interior tile
!neighbor element is the top most element in the tile beneath
e2 = elementid(i,j,nzpertile,ti,tj,tk-1, &
nxpertile,nypertile,nzpertile, &
sideinfo(2,s1,iel) = sideInfo(2,s2,e2) ! Copy the face id from neighbor
sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = e2
sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 10*s2 ! Neighbor side id
sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = 0 ! Boundary condition id; (null, interior face)
else ! interior to the tile
!neighbor element is in the same tile, but beneath
e2 = elementid(i,j,k-1,ti,tj,tk, &
nxpertile,nypertile,nzpertile, &
sideinfo(2,s1,iel) = sideInfo(2,s2,e2) ! Copy the face id from neighbor
sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = e2
sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 10*s2 ! Neighbor side id
sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = 0 ! Boundary condition id; (null, interior face)
! south, iside=2
s1 = 2
s2 = 4 ! Neighbor side is north (4)
if(j == 1) then ! southern most part of the tile
if(tj == 1) then ! southern most tile
nfaces = nfaces+1
sideinfo(2,s1,iel) = nfaces
sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = 0 ! Neigbor element (null, boundary condition)
sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 0 ! Neighbor side id (null, boundary condition)
sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = bcids(s1) ! Boundary condition id; eastern boundary set from the user input
else ! interior tile
!neighbor element is northernmost element in the tile to the south
e2 = elementid(i,nypertile,k,ti,tj-1,tk, &
nxpertile,nypertile,nzpertile, &
sideinfo(2,s1,iel) = sideInfo(2,s2,e2) ! Copy the face id from neighbor
sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = e2 ! Neigbor element
sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 10*s2 ! Neighbor side id
sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = 0 ! Boundary condition id; (null, interior face)
else ! interior to the tile
!neighbor element is in the same tile, to the south
e2 = elementid(i,j-1,k,ti,tj,tk, &
nxpertile,nypertile,nzpertile, &
sideinfo(2,s1,iel) = sideInfo(2,s2,e2) ! Copy the face id from neighbor
sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = e2 ! Neigbor element
sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 10*s2 ! Neighbor side id
sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = 0 ! Boundary condition id; (null, interior face)
! east, iside=3
s1 = 3
s2 = 5 ! neighbor side id is west (5)
! East faces are always new faces, due to the way we are traversing the grid
nfaces = nfaces+1
sideinfo(2,s1,iel) = nfaces
if(i == nxPerTile) then ! eastern most part of the tile
if(ti == nTileX) then ! eastern most tile
sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = 0 ! Neigbor element (null, boundary condition)
sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 0 ! Neighbor side id (null, boundary condition)
sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = bcids(s1) ! Boundary condition id;
else ! interior tile
!neighbor element is westernmost element in tile to the east
e2 = elementid(1,j,k,ti+1,tj,tk, &
nxpertile,nypertile,nzpertile, &
sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = e2 ! Neigbor element
sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 10*s2 ! Neighbor side id
sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = 0 ! Boundary condition id; (null, interior face)
else ! interior to the tile
!neighbor element is in the same tile, to the east
e2 = elementid(i+1,j,k,ti,tj,tk, &
nxpertile,nypertile,nzpertile, &
sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = e2 ! Neigbor element
sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 10*s2 ! Neighbor side id
sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = 0 ! Boundary condition id; (null, interior face)
! north, iside=4
s1 = 4
s2 = 2 ! neighbor side is south (2)
! North faces are always new faces, due to the way we are traversing the grid
nfaces = nfaces+1
sideinfo(2,s1,iel) = nfaces
if(j == nyPerTile) then ! northern most part of the tile
if(tj == nTileY) then ! northern most tile
sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = 0 ! Neigbor element (null, boundary condition)
sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 0 ! Neighbor side id (null, boundary condition)
sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = bcids(s1) ! Boundary condition id; set from the user input
else ! interior tile, but northern most face of the tile
!neighbor element is the southernmost element in the tile to the north
e2 = elementid(i,1,k,ti,tj+1,tk, &
nxpertile,nypertile,nzpertile, &
sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = e2 ! Neigbor element
sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 10*s2 ! Neighbor side id
sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = 0 ! Boundary condition id; (null, interior face)
else ! interior to the tile
!neighbor element is the tile to the north
e2 = elementid(i,j+1,k,ti,tj,tk, &
nxpertile,nypertile,nzpertile, &
sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = e2 ! Neigbor element
sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 10*s2 ! Neighbor side id
sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = 0 ! Boundary condition id; (null, interior face)
! west, iside=5
s1 = 5
s2 = 3 ! neighbor side id is east (3)
if(i == 1) then ! western most part of the tile
if(ti == 1) then ! western most tile
nfaces = nfaces+1
sideinfo(2,s1,iel) = nfaces
sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = 0 ! Neigbor element (null, boundary condition)
sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 0 ! Neighbor side id (null, boundary condition)
sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = bcids(s1) ! Boundary condition id
else ! interior tile, but western most face of the tile
!neighbor element is the easternmost element in the tile to the west
e2 = elementid(nxperTile,j,k,ti-1,tj,tk, &
nxpertile,nypertile,nzpertile, &
sideinfo(2,s1,iel) = sideInfo(2,s2,e2) ! Copy the face id from neighbor's east face
sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = e2
sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 10*s2 ! Neighbor side id - neighbor to the west, east side (2)
sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = 0 ! Boundary condition id; (null, interior face)
else ! interior to the tile
!neighbor element is the element to the west in the same tile
e2 = elementid(i-1,j,k,ti,tj,tk, &
nxpertile,nypertile,nzpertile, &
sideinfo(2,s1,iel) = sideInfo(2,s2,e2) ! Copy the face id from neighbor's east face
sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = e2
sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 10*s2 ! Neighbor side id - neighbor to the west, east side (2)
sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = 0 ! Boundary condition id; (null, interior face)
! top, iside=6
s1 = 6
s2 = 1 ! neighbor side is bottom (1)
! Top faces are always new faces, due to the way we are traversing the grid
nfaces = nfaces+1
sideinfo(2,s1,iel) = nfaces
if(k == nzPerTile) then ! top most part of the tile
if(tk == nTileZ) then ! top most tile
sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = 0 ! Neigbor element (null, boundary condition)
sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 0 ! Neighbor side id (null, boundary condition)
sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = bcids(s1) ! Boundary condition id; set from the user input
else ! interior tile, but top most face of the tile
!neighbor element is the bottom-most element in the tile above
e2 = elementid(i,j,1,ti,tj,tk+1, &
nxpertile,nypertile,nzpertile, &
sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = e2 ! Neigbor element
sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 10*s2 ! Neighbor side id
sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = 0 ! Boundary condition id; (null, interior face)
else ! interior to the tile
!neighbor element is the tile above
e2 = elementid(i,j,k+1,ti,tj,tk, &
nxpertile,nypertile,nzpertile, &
sideinfo(3,s1,iel) = e2 ! Neigbor element, inside same tile, to the north
sideinfo(4,s1,iel) = 10*s2 ! Neighbor side id - neighbor to the north, south side (1)
sideinfo(5,s1,iel) = 0 ! Boundary condition id; (null, interior face)
call this%decomp%GenerateDecomposition(nGlobalElem,nUniqueSides)
e1 = this%decomp%offsetElem(this%decomp%rankId+1)+1
e2 = this%decomp%offsetElem(this%decomp%rankId+2)
nLocalElems = e2-e1+1
nLocalSides = nLocalElems*6
nLocalNodes = nLocalElems*8
call this%Init(nGeo,nLocalElems,nLocalSides,nLocalNodes,nBCs)
this%nUniqueSides = nUniqueSides
this%quadrature = UNIFORM
this%nodeCoords(1:3,1:nGeo+1,1:nGeo+1,1:nGeo+1,1:nLocalElems) = nodeCoords(1:3,1:nGeo+1,1:nGeo+1,1:nGeo+1,e1:e2)
this%globalNodeIDs(1:nGeo+1,1:nGeo+1,1:nGeo+1,1:nLocalElems) = globalNodeIDs(1:nGeo+1,1:nGeo+1,1:nGeo+1,e1:e2)
this%sideInfo(1:5,1:6,1:nLocalElems) = sideInfo(1:5,1:6,e1:e2)
call this%UpdateDevice()
endsubroutine UniformStructuredMesh_Mesh3D_t