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Linear Euler (3D)#


The SELF_LinearEuler3D_t module defines the LinearEuler3D_t class. In SELF, models are posed in the form of a generic conservation law

\[ \vec{s}_t + \nabla \cdot \overleftrightarrow{f} = \vec{q} \]

where \(\vec{s}\) is a vector of solution variables, \(\overleftrightarrow{f}\) is the conservative flux, and \(\vec{q}\) are non-conservative source terms.

For the Linear Euler equations in 3-D

\[ \vec{s} = \begin{pmatrix} \rho \\ u \\ v \\ w \\ p \end{pmatrix} \]

where \(\rho\) is a density anomaly, referenced to the density \(\rho_0\), \(u\), \(v\), and \(w\) are the \(x\), \(y\), and \(z\) components of the fluid velocity (respectively), and \(p\) is the pressure. When we assume an ideal gas, and a motionless background state, the conservative fluxes are

\[ \overleftrightarrow{f} = \begin{pmatrix} \rho_0(u \hat{x} + v \hat{y} + w \hat{z}) \\ p \hat{x} \\ p \hat{y} \\ p \hat{z} \\ \rho_0c^2(u \hat{x} + v \hat{y} + w \hat{z}) \end{pmatrix} \]

where \(c\) is the (constant) speed of sound. The source term is set to zero.

\[ \vec{q} = \vec{0} \]

To track stability of the Euler equation, the total entropy function is

\[ e = \frac{1}{2} \int_V u^2 + v^2 + \frac{p}{\rho_0 c^2} \hspace{1mm} dV \]


The Linear Euler 3D model is implemented as a type extension of the DGModel3D class. The LinearEuler3D_t class adds parameters for the reference density and the speed speed of sound and overrides the SetMetadata, entropy_func, flux3d, and riemannflux3d type-bound procedures.

Riemann Solver#

The LinearEuler3D class is defined using the conservative form of the conservation law. The Riemman solver for the hyperbolic part of Euler equation is the local Lax Friedrichs upwind riemann solver

\[ \overleftrightarrow{f}_h^* \cdot \hat{n} = \frac{1}{2}( \overleftrightarrow{f}_L \cdot \hat{n} + \overleftrightarrow{f}_R \cdot \hat{n} + c (\vec{s}_L - \vec{s}_R)) \]


\[ \overleftrightarrow{f}_L \cdot \hat{n} = \begin{pmatrix} \rho_0(u_L n_x + v_L n_y + w_L n_z) \\ p_L n_x \\ p_L n_y \\ p_L n_z \\ \rho_0c^2(u_L n_x + v_L n_y + w_L n_z) \end{pmatrix} \]
\[ \overleftrightarrow{f}_R \cdot \hat{n} = \begin{pmatrix} \rho_0(u_R n_x + v_R n_y + w_R n_z) \\ p_R n_x \\ p_R n_y \\ p_R n_z \\ \rho_0c^2(u_R n_x + v_R n_y + w_R n_z) \end{pmatrix} \]

The details for this implementation can be found in self_lineareuler3d_t.f90

Boundary conditions#

When initializing the mesh for your Euler 3D equation solver, you can change the boundary conditions to

  • SELF_BC_Radiation to set the external state on model boundaries to 0 in the Riemann solver
  • SELF_BC_NoNormalFlow to set the external normal velocity to the negative of the interior normal velocity and prolong the density, pressure, and tangential velocity (free slip). This effectively creates a reflecting boundary condition.
  • SELF_BC_Prescribed to set a prescribed external state.

As an example, when using the built-in structured mesh generator, you can do the following

type(Mesh3D),target :: mesh
integer :: bcids(1:6)

  bcids(1:6) = (/&
                  SELF_NONORMALFLOW,& ! Bottom boundary condition
                  SELF_NONORMALFLOW,& ! South boundary condition
                  SELF_RADIATION,&    ! East boundary condition
                  SELF_PRESCRIBED,&   ! North boundary condition
                  SELF_RADIATION &    ! West boundary condition
                  SELF_NONORMALFLOW,& ! Top boundary condition
  call mesh%StructuredMesh(nxPerTile=5,nyPerTile=5,nzPerTile=5,&


See the Structured Mesh documentation for details on using the structuredmesh procedure


To set a prescribed state as a function of position and time, you can create a type-extension of the LinearEuler3D class and override the hbc3d_Prescribed

The no-normal-flow boundary condition#

To set the no-normal-flow boundary condition in SELF, we set the external state that is used as input to a Riemann solver. To determine the three components of the velocity field, we use the following conditions

  • \(\vec{u}_{ext}\cdot \hat{n} = -\vec{u}_{in}\cdot \hat{n}\)
  • \(\vec{u}_{ext}\cdot \hat{t}_1 = \vec{u}_{in}\cdot \hat{t}_1\)
  • \(\vec{u}_{ext}\cdot \hat{t}_2 = \vec{u}_{in}\cdot \hat{t}_2\)

where \(\hat{n}\) is the outward pointing unit normal vector and \(\hat{t}_1\) and \(\hat{t}_2\) are mutually orthogonal vectors that are tangent to the boundary surface.

GPU Acceleration#

When building SELF with GPU acceleration enabled, the Linear Euler (3-D) model overrides the following DGModel3D type-bound procedures

  • BoundaryFlux
  • FluxMethod
  • SourceMethod
  • SetBoundaryCondition
  • SetGradientBoundaryCondition

These methods are one-level above the usual pure function type-bound procedures used to define the riemann solver, flux, source terms, and boundary conditions. These procedures need to be overridden with calls to GPU accelerated kernels to make the solver fully resident on the GPU.

Out-of-the-box, the no-normal-flow and radiation boundary conditions are GPU accelerated. However, prescribed boundary conditions are CPU-only. We have opted to keep the prescribed boundary conditions CPU-only so that their implementation remains easy-to-use. This implies that some data is copied between host and device every iteration when prescribed boundary conditions are enabled.


In simulations where no prescribed boundaries are used, or your prescribed boundaries are time independent, you can disable prescribed boundary conditions by explicitly setting modelobj % prescribed_bcs_enabled = .false.. This can improve the time-to-solution for your simulation by avoiding unnecessary host-device memory movement. An example of this feature is shown in examples/lineareuler3d_spherical_soundwave_radiation.f90

Example usage#

For examples, see any of the following