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Linear Shallow Water Equations#


The SELF_LinearShallowWater2D_t module defines the LinearShallowWater2D_t class. In SELF, models are posed in the form of a generic conservation law

\[ \vec{s}_t + \nabla \cdot \overleftrightarrow{f} = \vec{q} \]

where \(\vec{s}\) is a vector of solution variables, \(\overleftrightarrow{f}\) is the conservative flux, and \(\vec{q}\) are non-conservative source terms.

For the linear shallow water equations in 2-D

\[ \vec{s} = \begin{pmatrix} u \\ v \\ \eta \end{pmatrix} \]

where \(u\) and \(v\) are the x and y components of the barotropic velocity (\(\vec{u} = u \hat{x} + v \hat{y}\)) and \(\eta\) is the deviation of the fluid free surface relative to the resting fluid.

\[ \overleftrightarrow{f} = \begin{pmatrix} g \eta \hat{x} \\ g \eta \hat{y} \\ H \vec{u} \end{pmatrix} \]

where \(g\) is acceleration due to gravity and \(H\) is uniform resting fluid depth. The source term is set to zero.

\[ \vec{q} = \vec{0} \]

To track stability of the Euler equation, the total entropy function is

\[ e = \frac{1}{2} \int_V H u^2 + H v^2 + g \eta^2 \hspace{1mm} dV \]


The 2D Linear Shallow Water model is implemented as a type extension of the DGModel2d class. The LinearShallowWater2D_t class adds parameters for acceleration due to gravity and the uniform resting fluid depth. It also overrides SetMetaData, entropy_func, flux2d, and riemannflux2d type-bound procedures.

Riemann Solver#

The LinearShallowWater2D class is defined using the advective form. The Riemann solver for the hyperbolic part of the shallow water equations is the local Lax-Friedrichs upwind Riemann solver

\[ \overleftrightarrow{f} \cdot \hat{n} = \frac{1}{2} (\overleftrightarrow{f}_L \cdot \hat{n} + \overleftrightarrow{f}_R \cdot \hat{n} + c(\vec{s}_L - \vec{s}_R)) \]

where \(c = \sqrt{gH}\), and

\[ \overleftrightarrow{f}_L \cdot \hat{n} = \begin{pmatrix} g \eta_L n_x \\ g \eta_L n_y \\ H \vec{u}_L \cdot \hat{n} \end{pmatrix} \]
\[ \overleftrightarrow{f}_R \cdot \hat{n} = \begin{pmatrix} g \eta_R n_x \\ g \eta_R n_y \\ H \vec{u}_R \cdot \hat{n} \end{pmatrix} \]

Together, this becomes

\[ \overleftrightarrow{f} \cdot \hat{n} = \frac{1}{2} \begin{pmatrix} (g \eta_L + g \eta_R + c(\vec{u}_L \cdot \hat{n} - \vec{u}_R \cdot \hat{n}))n_x \\ (g \eta_L + g \eta_R + c(\vec{u}_L \cdot \hat{n} - \vec{u}_R \cdot \hat{n}))n_y \\ H \vec{u}_L \cdot \hat{n} + H \vec{u}_R \cdot \hat{n} + c(\eta_L - \eta_R) \end{pmatrix} \]

The details for this implementation can be found in self_LinearShallowWater2D_t.f90.

Boundary Conditions#

When initializing the mesh for your 2D Linear Shallow Water Equations solver, you can change the boundary conditions to

  • SELF_BC_Radiation to set the external state on model boundaries to 0 in the Riemann solver
  • SELF_BC_NoNormalFlow to set the external normal velocity to the negative of the interior normal velocity and prolong the density, pressure, and tangential velocity (free slip). This effectively creates a reflecting boundary condition.
  • SELF_BC_Prescribed to set a prescribed external state.

As an example, when using the built-in structured mesh generator, you can do the following

type(Mesh2D),target :: mesh
integer :: bcids(1:4)

bcids(1:4) = (/&
                SELF_NONORMALFLOW,& ! South boundary condition
                SELF_RADIATION,&    ! East boundary condition
                SELF_PRESCRIBED,&   ! North boundary condition
                SELF_RADIATION &    ! West boundary condition

call mesh%StructuredMesh(nxPerTile=5,nyPerTile=5,&


See the Structured Mesh documentation for details on using the structuredmesh procedure


To set a prescribed state as a function of position and time, you can create a type-extension of the LinearShallowWater2D class and override the hbc2d_Prescribed

Example usage#

For examples, see any of the following